ie>shiv is best vayne build
vayne is still broken(go abuse)
other(still) broken adcs are Cait and Jhin
decent adc that are pickable are Ezreal, Ashe and Draven
other adcs are trollpick
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Originally Posted by Kat View Post
ie>shiv is best vayne build
vayne is still broken(go abuse)
other(still) broken adcs are Cait and Jhin
decent adc that are pickable are Ezreal, Ashe and Draven
other adcs are trollpick

Ah ok, just wanted one to see.

I need to get back into the mehanixs of adcs, it was siver that put me 7-3 in my placements 2 seasons ago lol.
Originally Posted by Kat View Post
ie>shiv is best vayne build
vayne is still broken(go abuse)
other(still) broken adcs are Cait and Jhin
decent adc that are pickable are Ezreal, Ashe and Draven
other adcs are trollpick

wut about twitch?

also i just picked up ivern, time to try to learn him :P
no u

If you need to ask about how meta something is, you're probably at a level where it doesn't matter. Metas evolve around competent play. If the people you play with or against aren't competent, then meta means very little. Unless something is broken, non-meta picks can still be just as good as meta picks because of familiarity. It doesn't matter if Jhin is the meta pick if you play a better Kog, you're going to do better with Kog.
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
If you need to ask about how meta something is, you're probably at a level where it doesn't matter. Metas evolve around competent play. If the people you play with or against aren't competent, then meta means very little. Unless something is broken, non-meta picks can still be just as good as meta picks because of familiarity. It doesn't matter if Jhin is the meta pick if you play a better Kog, you're going to do better with Kog.

This is pretry accurate. Most lower divisions are just based around getting your footing right, I spend most of my time in Bronze ignore the enemiend adc because they normally don't pose a threat.

I hope I get bronze again in placements, I feel like I'm a strong silver, but I want to double check lol.
Originally Posted by Kat View Post
ie>shiv is best vayne build
vayne is still broken(go abuse)
other(still) broken adcs are Cait and Jhin
decent adc that are pickable are Ezreal, Ashe and Draven
other adcs are trollpick

This can be debated.

Trist is like an auto attack based Ez. Good escape, lots of damage, good clear, AoE damage etc. etc. I find her better aganist tanks for this reason and I think she's a little more reliable than Ez since she has no skillshots.

Lucian is good when you dps and mobility. Another good tank buster. He can do damage from a long range. Good clear, good engage, lots of kiting potential, lots of kill potential. He still does a good chunk of damage too.

Twitch is still pretty broken. His ulti plus his q plus runnans plus botrk makes any one he finds alone basically dead. He's got the longest range of any adc with his ulti, a dot that does true damage, a slow, and invisibility. If you have any one with a decent engage or peel, Twitch can bring a lot to the table.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Originally Posted by Qukslice View Post
This can be debated.

Trist is like an auto attack based Ez. Good escape, lots of damage, good clear, AoE damage etc. etc. I find her better aganist tanks for this reason and I think she's a little more reliable than Ez since she has no skillshots.

Lucian is good when you dps and mobility. Another good tank buster. He can do damage from a long range. Good clear, good engage, lots of kiting potential, lots of kill potential. He still does a good chunk of damage too.

Twitch is still pretty broken. His ulti plus his q plus runnans plus botrk makes any one he finds alone basically dead. He's got the longest range of any adc with his ulti, a dot that does true damage, a slow, and invisibility. If you have any one with a decent engage or peel, Twitch can bring a lot to the table.

Don't you question our EU Challenger God.

Trist is by no means an Auto Attack Ezreal. Their movement skills are completely different, whereas Tristana's entire battle effectiveness is revolved around E Resets. A dash and a blink actually each have different traits towards their effectiveness. Trist is good but by no means better than most ADCs. If you want a late game hyper carry, play Jinx. If you range, play Cait. She's outclassed by more meta and simply better ADCs.

Luc is trash now, personally. At least, nowhere near as good as before. Lethality has gimped Youmuu Cleaver, which turned a late game monster into an early game monster. His success comes from his mobility and burst. But any lucian player knows that Luc is god awful in teamfights. He's an ER ADC that simply isn't efficient. ER builds are to scale for later in the game, but later in the game, many more ADCs are just genuinely better.

Twitch is the same, pretty much. Some nice buffs and nerfs in general. More versatility since he can't be pinked. His "Walk up and shred you" is just a bit delayed now, is all.

Literally. Meta doesn't matter in Bronze/Silver. Play whatever you want, as long as it fits into the role. If it's viable, even if it's not meta you'll climb. I climbed out of Bronze in a short time using Tryndamere and Udyr Jungle. This being Post-Udyr butchering. Veered away from those good times though.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
If you need to ask about how meta something is, you're probably at a level where it doesn't matter. Metas evolve around competent play. If the people you play with or against aren't competent, then meta means very little. Unless something is broken, non-meta picks can still be just as good as meta picks because of familiarity. It doesn't matter if Jhin is the meta pick if you play a better Kog, you're going to do better with Kog.

this is true

twitch also isn't that bad pick if ur rly good
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
1 out of 50 yasuo players are good the other 49 are shit players

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
1 out of 50 yasuo players are good the other 49 are shit players

scientifically proven

got put in silver 4, not stopping now.
