AP Nasus just doesn't seem ideal, compared to Stack Nasus and Lane Push.

Why be Squishy and nuke with guaranteed poke when you can get 400+ Stacks and nuke while being nigh-unkillable? Or better yet, build two doran rings and tank, and have so much top lane pressure you always push your enemy out of lane, or force your jungler to set up his tent, in turn leaving your other lanes free of torture. AP Nasus is fun, but not ideal.

Lust, get your shit together my dude. The jungle is dope. If you're bad at Jungling, play Warwick. As a Jungle main for the vast majority of Season 5/6, what you're telling me makes me cry tears of pain. Warwick is a good starting place. Simple, great sustain, attack speed steroids to you and allies, a point and click suppress. Ignoring Krugs is like asking to lose the game. Red-Krug is Level 3 at 2:30. That's insane. If enemy bot is even remotely pushed in, and you have high gank presence pre-6, you should get kills or summs. If the top laner is overextended, you should kills or summs. As Lee, I always Red-Krug. I do it as most champions, asides those that can't start on Red without having a dicked clear. If my enemy jungler has a slow clear speed I'll bully him. Like Amumu, for instance. If I'm red side I'll go Blue -> Enemy Red (if up) -> Enemy Krug -> Gank Bot. If they have slow clear you'll likely just get their camps before they get to botside. If they start red, you might be able to push them out of the jungle (Denying them Level 3) or kill them at Krugs altogether.

You're a support player, so play Support Junglers. Like Ivern. A high skill ceiling but very effective in what he does. Support jungler doesn't automatically mean: Take bard into the jungle, go 0/9 and feed then get carried afterwards.

Anyways. Season starts tomorrow, right? I'm so excited to lose all the progress I gained over the previous ranked season. :^)
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
The thing is, i'm a bit choosy when it comes to champions. Warwick is super bleh for me, same feeling with mumu but both of them are very effective. *Ivern, on the other hand, is a bit dull and single target-oriented by the looks of him and i'm out of IP . I've tried Thresh jungle in normals but sustain was a problem. Most of the time i Lee Sin jungle which i'm actually not bad at. PS i used to jungle, but not much, before the jungle updates which made a pretty big difference to jungle routes and shit.
*what do you consider in ivern to be a high skillcap champion? brush placement? lul

Next time i land jungle from fill i'll give Naut and Maokai (both support jungles) and Rek'sai(Friends say he's a good jungler to start on) a try. I used to be shen jungle when he wasn't reworked but when he was i only played him support and oftentimes top/jungle.

About worlds picked support champions, they've always picked the multi shield/cc champions like karma/nami but i didn't see alistar/thresh, mainly thresh, that much, which was pretty sad. Care to explain to me, anyone?
Last edited by Lust; Dec 6, 2016 at 02:55 PM.
Do not compare LoL LCS with LoL because both of them are completely different. They overthink against their opponents all the time.

A tank support that can initiate well, does no damage, and because of this you are placed with a squishy team

A support that can do damage, heal, shield, disengage, etc...

BUT, what if the enemy team counterpicks against the champions you plan against?

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
no they just pick the most broken champs like karma and zyra
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Poke with hard disengage was, and still kinda is, overtuned in the support position. Namely Karma and Zyra with their AoE gobba go fast and AoE get off my lawn abilities, respectively. Nami showed up as well because she kinda has the same deal, but trades off some poke with healing and utility.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Probably. She still scales hard into late game and she's still doing lots of damage. I still haven't played her after the "nerf" but the scaling hits aren't that bad at all. I'd just be careful though since they probably won't be done with Vayne for at least a patch or two.

More reliable adc picks rn are trist, luc, and ezreal.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
On which champion? For Twitch, I'd say for sure. For anyone else, it could be debated but I think other items would be better.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15