hello can i join i was in clan karma but they are idiots but as i knew Superjojo he is briliant guy can i join pls?
Originally Posted by Skeleton7 View Post
hello can i join i was in clan karma but they are idiots but as i knew Superjojo he is briliant guy can i join pls?

Ok I should be the one to handel this. First off you made a great point when you said I am briliant. I didn't know words could be so true. Saddly, you failed to read the first post which asks you to answer a few questions and post some good replays.

I'm sorry but your application is insufficient. I have to say no.
can i join RA? i was in Karma but they are idiots and not good friends but as i know Superjojo you are good guys can i join pls ?
Originally Posted by Skeleton7 View Post
can i join RA? i was in Karma but they are idiots and not good friends but as i know Superjojo you are good guys can i join pls ?

get out.
Originally Posted by Skeleton7 View Post
hello can i join i was in clan karma but they are idiots but as i knew Superjojo he is briliant guy can i join pls?

Originally Posted by SuperJoJo View Post
Ok I should be the one to handel this. First off you made a great point when you said I am briliant. I didn't know words could be so true. Saddly, you failed to read the first post which asks you to answer a few questions and post some good replays.

I'm sorry but your application is insufficient. I have to say no.

Laughter took me down to the floor like every fucking sentence! brilliant!

Originally Posted by Skeleton7 View Post
can i join RA? i was in Karma but they are idiots and not good friends but as i know Superjojo you are good guys can i join pls ?

[re-roll failed to-apply-throw]

Originally Posted by h4rl View Post
get out.

[re-roll failed]
Last edited by Sahee; Jan 16, 2010 at 08:52 PM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Aloha dudes, and dudette (Sahee).

I'm kinda back, month long holidays and a pile of work got the better of me. Garr.

I don't think I ever told you guys, and girl (Sahee), I'm immigrating in a few months. I'm turning American before your very eyes. Atlanta...n? to be exact.

So in the meantime, I'm not going to any of my courses at school. Instead I'm doing them online, I'm taking game development and programming as my electives.

So yeah, I'm back - CAN I HAZ JION?
Harl its not the first time ive asked. Keep your bullshit out of our real threads...

Jews are rich bastards. Get over it
Last edited by Kickass; Jan 24, 2010 at 11:42 AM.
[RelaxAll]Nikelaos:Kickass is chained to this clan with indestructible shackles, his balls are also superglued to the chair.

I must hold the style of RelaxAll high...
I must must always comeback...
I must never eat cheese, but only in slices; not sure about cubes...wait what?

R joo fitz? : Yes
Be teh sure? : Yep

Uke0700 (I use radioactive blood :3)

Personal data:
Name: Uke0700, IRL- John
Belt: Brown (OMFG not a black belt+ O.O)
QI: 650ish
Bank Password: T1T5-0R-G4F0
Latest IQ Test Results: Absolutely badass!
Replays are attached and include stuff from wushu, betabox, and classic, also I'm quite aware that "arm decap" makes no sense, lol; who needs 3 when you have 5, and what a run-on sentence this has been!
My greatest achievemnt would probably have to be becoming Rank 4 for a period of time. TRUE STORY. Sadly art is a different matter; my GIMP skills are limited to... colorify. XD

I'm glad you're a wushu clan, because I recently became uber-good at it!
Also, before I'm criticized on it, YES I am fairly new to the community, but hey, when the criteria is about skill, what does it matter? I'm also frequently on IRC.

I've heard good things about you all, I like what you're all for, you all seem pretty activein IRC and ingame, and I'm officially interested!

EDIT: Made a pretty sick avvy after dickin around in GIMP for far too long, and with some resizing it'd be epicly perfect :
Attached Files
Wushuish_spinkick.rpl (63.2 KB, 11 views)
Wushu_lowkick.rpl (16.5 KB, 8 views)
Wushu_armdecap.rpl (30.1 KB, 8 views)
First_betaboxlawl.rpl (33.0 KB, 7 views)
Arm_kick_09RA.rpl (19.3 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Uke0700; Feb 14, 2010 at 08:54 AM. Reason: replay note
Decent application and you don't sound like a full blown retard - +1
Used 4 smileys - -1
Read the first post +1
First 3 replays weren't half bad +1
Last two replays were stiff and unoriginal - 1

I'd like to play online with you sometime. Try find me.
What's your GMT and age?