Hey guys, long time no talk. So, BBKing knows I play trombone. I recently got a new one. It's very shiny, and had a special attachment. I will be doing that music contest, so hopefully I can work some magic with my new baby!!!!!
Best of luck to you, Nick
"Too black for the white kids, too white for the black, from honor roll to crackin' locks up off them bicycle racks"
Thanks man, that was a fun challenge to do. Also, if you have a few seconds to spare, could ya check out this replay that I just made?
Attached Files
Kapow.rpl (221.6 KB, 4 views)
"Too black for the white kids, too white for the black, from honor roll to crackin' locks up off them bicycle racks"
Sorry dude, can't download replays whatsoever I can't upload them either...
On a happier note, I just heard about the music challenge today and alway have half the soft written!!!!
All done with the song, gonna record it tomorrow!!!! Though the video won't be the best audio or video quality...
Last edited by Trust; Sep 23, 2014 at 04:43 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Spaxxor View Post
Quick question about the contest... Does it have to be an instrumental? If not then can I use someone elses instrumental and record over it? (Giving credit to the person who made the beat, of course)

Thats ok.. awaiting your song.
Originally Posted by Nickroxit View Post
Sorry dude, can't download replays whatsoever I can't upload them either...
On a happier note, I just heard about the music challenge today and alway have half the soft written!!!!
All done with the song, gonna record it tomorrow!!!! Though the video won't be the best audio or video quality...

Originality and musicality.. not quality. Because, if I would judge by quality, the one who have Pro-Tools would win.. Nice, that we have so much musicians in the clan
ok.. today we will do another ingame tourney.. mod: cranekungfufix.tbm
prizes 7k/3k .. in exactly 3h 30min at 10:00 AM (GMT)
hope to see some monks there

btw.. made a new thread.. [ME] Monastery Events
there I will post ingame tourneys and links to the forum events..
Its also the place for invaders to ask questions and give some ideas..
btw.. visite me at IRC ;)
Originally Posted by Spaxxor View Post
Thanks man, that was a fun challenge to do. Also, if you have a few seconds to spare, could ya check out this replay that I just made?

Yay!!! Thats cool.. Thats fuckin' gorgeous
Last edited by BBKing; Sep 23, 2014 at 09:45 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Hey Spaxx, so your replay kapow was something new. It was nice. I suggest that you shouldn't have done the kick that DM'ed the arm.
Heart of Gold
Hey BBKing, hey B4CK, I missed you guys. I just want to let you know, I might not be back to full activity. I'm almost trying too hard in school, only got A's and B's ;)
Well.. thats ok. You always should know whats really important.
Just a little update about events - general rules.
Ingame tourneys are open.. anybody can join.. also monks..
Forum events arent for monks.. cause I dont want to judge my own ppl.. and it
could lead to accusations of favoritism..
Thats the reason why we do some private events in the clan.

Well.. untill we can start with the next public event, I will do a little private one.

Hey Mister DJ.. please doing a song.

Its kinda simple. Just create a song.. on your computer or with real instruments.
Record it and post it on this thread with a short text: 'My Song'

You can put the song directly into the post (attached) or post a link to soundcloud, youtube or anywhere else.

It have to be your own song
No plagiarism
The song must last at least one minute

Here's a link to an online music-maker..

Judging by originality and musicality.
I will judge this event.. so,
anybody in the clan and all allies
can enter this event.


Prize for the Winner

Last edited by BBKing; Sep 23, 2014 at 02:26 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump