Yay. School out.
Yeah, I won't get dragon.
I wish I still had my old pivot videos I would upload some D:
Originally Posted by thenamelessone View Post
I have also been inspired to make a bad pivot animation of my own. Prepare to laugh. Also, this is my first try at making a pivot animation, so it''s pretty bad.

Stinks, Eh?

It doesnt stink, it made me LOL'd hard. =D
not dead
^ Post it in the replay thread. ;__;

OSHI - It's a replay making/art making org. Pretty awesome members like Tengo, GamerDaPro, Ginkey, Meamme, Zinx, Me, etc etc. :P

I suck at pivot. Or anything related to art. I can't even draw a respectable stick man. :c
yeah ok