Bladma's Application
Yes I read the red messages above that application.
I am 13 years old and I live in Israel.
I am a yellow belt.
I just started yesterday so I don't really have a grasp on mods and where I want to improve. I would like to find a tutor who would teach me the styles of game play so i can choose a fighting style.
I would like to join because I find this game interesting and challenging.
Originally Posted by BMaN007 View Post
Age(optional): 13
Where do you live?(optional): Ontario, Canada
What belt are you?: Orange
Where do you want to improve?: Judo, jousting
Favorite mods: Judo, Jousting, Akido
Why do you want to join?: I would like to join because i want good friends that respect me and to learn to play better. I really want to improve and I was told that this clan could help alot. I hope you choose me to be in your clan. it would help alot. thanks.


Originally Posted by Bladma View Post
Yes I read the red messages above that application.
I am 13 years old and I live in Israel.
I am a yellow belt.
I just started yesterday so I don't really have a grasp on mods and where I want to improve. I would like to find a tutor who would teach me the styles of game play so i can choose a fighting style.
I would like to join because I find this game interesting and challenging.


Originally Posted by BBCS View Post
Can I join the clan, PLEEEEEEASE!!!!

No unless you read this:
Age(optional): 12
Where do you live?(optional): Leiria, Portugal
What belt are you?: Brown
Where do you want to improve?: Aikido
Favorite mods: Taekyon, wushu
Why do you want to join?: I would like to join because i want good friends, a clan, of corse, to be a better player and maybe, someone can make me textures.
Please let me join you guys, talk to me quick, please.
Where do you live?(optional)ublin,Ireland.
What belt are you?:White Belt.
Where do you want to improve?:Taekkyon.
Favorite mods:Lightsabers,acrobatic.
Why do you want to join?: So I can kick better,make friends and improve at mods I like
Originally Posted by BBCS View Post
Age(optional): 12
Where do you live?(optional): Leiria, Portugal
What belt are you?: Brown
Where do you want to improve?: Aikido
Favorite mods: Taekyon, wushu
Why do you want to join?: I would like to join because i want good friends, a clan, of corse, to be a better player and maybe, someone can make me textures.
Please let me join you guys, talk to me quick, please.

Accepted. Be sure to read the first post of every thread you go to or else you won't have a clue what to do. Post every day (on-topic) to be taught correctly. Invitation being sent now.

Originally Posted by stormer2884 View Post
Where do you live?(optional)ublin,Ireland.
What belt are you?:White Belt.
Where do you want to improve?:Taekkyon.
Favorite mods:Lightsabers,acrobatic.
Why do you want to join?: So I can kick better,make friends and improve at mods I like

Accepted. Post daily or else we can't teach you anything. Invitation being sent.
Where do you live?(optional):sweden
What belt are you?: blue
Where do you want to improve?: kicks and spining
Favorite mods: headleshhead cannon
Why do you want to join?: because i wnat to help clan to be the best and leran from u guy the master of true spirit
Originally Posted by blooodz View Post
Where do you live?(optional):sweden
What belt are you?: blue
Where do you want to improve?: kicks and spining
Favorite mods: headleshhead cannon
Why do you want to join?: because i wnat to help clan to be the best and leran from u guy the master of true spirit

You're denied unless you send me a PM explaining why you introduced yourself before applying to the clan.

EDIT: Accepted. Invitation sent.
Last edited by Rayleigh; Oct 14, 2011 at 11:44 PM.
Age(optional): 12
Where do you live?(optional): New Jersey, United States
What belt are you?: Yellow
Where do you want to improve?: Judo, Zipline
Favorite mods:Twinswords, Jousting, Akido
Why do you want to join?: I want to learn good moves with my friends and earn tc with the best
My Age Is 13
I Live In Maine
I Am A Yellow Belt, I Believe.
Aikido and Judo
Why do i want to join? I wanna be the very best, that no one ever was, to catch them is my real test, and to train them is my cause. POKEMON! Wait, wrong theme song.