Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
I demand LightningKid to say hi to me!

Also neved if possible

hey doctor

can you check out some bumps I gots on my nipples?
bananananananananaananananananannanaa delicious
Originally Posted by Zoro View Post
What happened here? So many new faces!

Hello, Zoro.

Don't worry, we don't bite.

Unless it's Friday, when everyone is hornier than usual.
Originally Posted by Huck View Post
What in the name of....

Huck seems to be a bit confused on why we have quite a bit of activity on our board.

Merged with [Tea], recruited some kids, and this happened.
Just like bust3r, that's right. Hi Lorr!
Huck, I did good things.

Also, guys. Don't mind my in and out sparse activity for the next week or so. Final assignments etc, about 70+ pages to work on.
Gynx is a nubby nubly nub nub who nubs around nubbing