Originally Posted by ufantom View Post
hey guys. its my apply. my name is Alexander, i live in Ukraine and i am 18 years old. i play since september 2009 and now i am custom belt. my favorite modes are lenshu, rk-mma, tk, brushu. previous clans are russur(my first clan) and ussr. in both i was co-leader. now i am clanless about 1 year. i dont know what else to add so this the end =) waiting for your decision.

I say no, no offense but that was a terrible application.
Я вайперу сказал что заявки писать у меня не очень выходит лол. Он сказал что напиши хоть чтото
[TW T2RAFS] :: [ex-Leader of rb] :: [OoT] :: [Unibash] :: [RMO]
ex-Gamemaster :: ex-Moderator of russian sections :: ex-Clan council member
Need help with anything? PM me
Have a some problem with Tournament Bot - Lets me know

Рассказал бы хоть что-то о своей жизни, возраст, про достижения ирл.
Возраст я указал. О моей жизни им знать не нужно, как и всем остальным. И одно да у меня уже есть Ы(от лидера клана)
[TW T2RAFS] :: [ex-Leader of rb] :: [OoT] :: [Unibash] :: [RMO]
ex-Gamemaster :: ex-Moderator of russian sections :: ex-Clan council member
Need help with anything? PM me
Have a some problem with Tournament Bot - Lets me know

What the? Fantom , use your English skills around here o;
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
his app has everything that was required, he just didn't put it in the form, I'm leaning torwards a yes, but will stay neutral for a bit.
uFantom: English please

I give em my yes because I know that he's active and have skills. And if he dissapoints me I kill his GM status (joking)
Check my Soundcloud ;)
viper 'em lime them? ufantom and proff? or just ufantom?
I like him, i say yes. Despite his application he has skill and we don't need poets and writters here :P
Last edited by Insanity; Jan 12, 2013 at 11:58 PM.
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