Originally Posted by RICKMO118 View Post
Mfw I'm taking Latin 1 in Highschool
Mfw I have no face

*b loodymess**blo odymess**blood ymess* do you mean spanish 1??/

/me reads this comment; sips his siera mist; tips his fedora
Last edited by RICKMO118; Dec 2, 2013 at 12:15 AM.
daddy kill the spider
Yo Noah, I just started again in NA server because yolo u kno u feel me nigga'.

So, what was your nickname?
I just bought Street Fighter IV on steam. Someone buy it with me so we can play c:
daddy kill the spider
Well apparently my perfectly legal purchase of Just Cause 2, which supposedly had the DLC with it, only included a DOWNLOAD LINK to the dlc. So I had to get that. And thus, I haven't actually played it yet. But I shall........1......2.......4......6.....1.....NOW
daddy kill the spider