Originally Posted by Hours View Post
1gb or ram? really? dude ram is cheap af. you can literally get 8gb of ram too easy.

i have several reason for that actually
1st i am not a gamer
2nd i own macmini, i am not sure how to dismantle it
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Well the ram doesnt cost the same everywhere you know, also you dont need 8 gygas if you arent playing heavy games/programes
Originally Posted by NICOLAS135 View Post
victor the gtx 760 is like the gtx 980 just with a lower prize...

the 700TI series is indeed like the 900's, sort of, except far cheaper.
Originally Posted by Tricerafi View Post
i have several reason for that actually
1st i am not a gamer
2nd i own macmini, i am not sure how to dismantle it

gamer or not, everyone plays games now and then. many games requires 6gb+ nowadays, so yeah. there's that.
rip to case.
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Well the ram doesnt cost the same everywhere you know, also you dont need 8 gygas if you arent playing heavy games/programes

the price difference between certain countries is not big at all. else you could just buy it off ebay or amazon. cheap shipping and cheap prizes.
Originally Posted by NICOLAS135 View Post
victor the gtx 760 is like the gtx 980 just with a lower prize...

yeah,but look the prices here(remember,all in BRL, 1USD = 3BRL):

gtx 760:

gt 610:

gtx 980:

it's high as heaven.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
stop doing the 700 stock series. they're horrible. it needs to be TI after it.

let's take the 980 for an example. 4,5gb vram. pretty cool. i can do pretty much all game @highest with a decently stable 60fps.
the titan x has 12gb of vram. the titan x is the dream. the 980TI has 6gb vram, but other things in the 980TI (both hardware wise and overclocked wise) makes the 980TI the affordable titan x.
same goes for all other series. the 750 is shit. the 750TI is amazing.
yes, it's most likely a bit more expensive, but really, in the long run it'll be far more expensive with buying a 600 series one. they're pretty much outdated, and every other upcoming game release will have struggles with the 600 series, because of specs and drivers.
and i'm not sure if this applies to normal cards (doubt it), but my 660M recently started to fuck over in my laptop. reason? the fan in the laptop couldn't give enough chilly air, so the gpu overheated.
that's a laptop card, however. but, i don't know if it's rumours or not, but i've gotten to know that the 500-700 series do get overheated pretty easily if they don't come with more than one fan.
i know for a fact that my 980 strix got two fans and is running really cool pretty much all the time. never really seen the gpu fans go over 50%, even when i'm using 100% of the card. however, that's the asus strix one. the one's with one single fan will most likely run more, louder and warmer. same applies to earlier cards, and if you're planning to push today's games on lowspecs cards, 100% of the card will be used most definently, and it'll spend alot of power to making sure it doesn't get overheated, by simply doing a performance loss, to make sure the card doesn't run 100%.
question:what is cheaper: building pc or buying one?
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
shipping this into Argentina is really hard and expensive, there was this weird law because they didnt wnt argentinians to buy foreign things.
yh it sucks
atleast you have shipping there.
here you cant buy anything from phone or web except programs and games.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .