" almost getting an F in one class"
Keep up the good work Reap.

2. Minimum of 6 words per post, this is to avoid spam.
Its one of the clan rules :P
Ill let it slide this time, but next time I wont be a happy man.

"Do you have skype Sonic? Add me, my name is Boaplitas.
We have a clan skype group and its much easier to get in touch with people in the clan
if you want to play."

That sort of applies for everyone, if you ask someone if they want to play on the forums, it is very unlikely
that they will see it straight away and reply.

I'm all good Malfunction, ya handsome bastard.

Uhhhh just out of curiosity... who let Goesfard in the clan? xD
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spar with jsrfking.rpl (410.5 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Boaplitas; Jun 26, 2016 at 08:26 PM.
I know mate XD
I'm just saying because people keep asking if anyone is online and wants to play, but
no one ever sees the stuff in time.
Also I swear to god skype is broken.
OMG BOAP, Im so sorry (ik this is more than 6 words long but its important)
I finally fixed my Skype, sorry it took me so long to respond to your messages.
Need to watch Boku no Pico? Try bleach today!
hello guys sorry for being offline i was staying at a friends house and didnt have internet i need new friends they all are like cavemen lol jk he was getting his internet worked on so it runs faster if anyone wants to get on ill be on till like 10 pm central time
I wouldn't say most active member, but anyway:
We need to set up that fight.
We need a time where everybody should be online.
Friday or saturday would be good, I guess, but that's kinda close to the deadline.
I have like all day since it's summer holidays anyway.
Last edited by Gambi; Jun 27, 2016 at 10:33 PM.
Originally Posted by Gambi321 View Post
I wouldn't say most active member, but anyway:
We need to set up that fight.
We need a time where everybody should be online.
Friday or saturday would be good, I guess, but that's kinda close to the deadline.
I have like all day since it's summer holidays anyway.

Lol same, but I didn't sign up for clan league...
Need to watch Boku no Pico? Try bleach today!