my app
Hello jollyr

Hi Lighiting here.I Belive i would be good in jollyr and i hope you do to

About Me -
Hi i want to start of with,i may seem nooby but i quitted tb for about a year and came back.My main used to be a custom belt but now i cant remember the password and username,if you dont belive you can test me ingame im only good in abd,greykido and aikidh yea by the way Im Davyn,Im 11 and mature.I got some serious abd skills next level future shit...<<< my skype is sρℓιtz-漢字෴༻㊛一ƊŦ ̿̿ ̿̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\ just copy and paste that and add me if you want just tell me that you are from tb and ill accept the request. My birthday is on the February 7th.Im form singapore which is kinda asian but whatever.I get bullied at school alot because im asain i play soccer at school and out of school.I have been in lots of competitions in school soccer and got my teamed first.I also have a youtube channel I play tb<<< of coruse i also play minecraft , cs-go , garrys mod , gta 5 , black ops 2 and lots of steam games.

In-Game Abilities -
My rank hangs around 2k to 20k. The mods i play alot is Aikido , Greykido , Abd and Mushu. My best is abd,i get lots of decapprizes in bet servers. Aikido im just good at and Greykido i let them get me low and i suplex them. At Mushu i just hand throw xD thats all i really can do in Mushu. With other mods i dont really play or im bad at.

Skills -
My skills is just to play toribash xD sorry about that if you were looking for more skills.

Why I Belive I Would Be Good In jollyr -
I belive i would be good in the clan because im a nice and kind person when i get decapprize in bet servers i will put and less half of the decap in the bank.If i dont need the tc at the time and i get decap and i will put everything in the bank.It just depends if i need the tc at that time but for sure i will put and less half because i know some poeple may need it more then me.

My Previous Clans And Why I Left -
I used to be in lots of good clans.I surprisingly never got kicked from a clan before.Its always me leaving the clan because the clan is inactive,i never got to play with the members or some poeple hated me for no reaosn.So thats why i left my previous clans.I am looking for a good clan to {STAY} in.I am also looking for a clan that wont do those things i said at the top ^^^, i think the clan thats right for me would be jollyr.

Feel free to ask me more stuff about myself.

Thank you for taking your time to read this super long application.Have a good day or night depending on when you are reading this.


Rock on jollyr
My name is:XOsphere
Mods I play: Judo, sparring boxmushu V2, Aikido, Parkour < FUN MODS
Belt: I am a Black Belt
The reason I want to join: Because I have heard that the best of the best are here and i want to be a part of them.
Clan I was in: I was a Part of Romanorum a while back(it is a dead clan now).
Why you left the clan: I left the clan because they all turned against me over another person in another clan.
I have had one account earlier: AIROO
what happened to the account: I stopped playing on it
I have also never bought an account with higher QI
Bans/Infractions: banned for one day for not giving someone a hat they have it now.
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Forum and in game activity: 5/10
Special skills: I can make good head textures
State something about yourself: I CAN TRICK :3
Attached Files
first rekage.rpl (202.0 KB, 4 views)
magic decap.rpl (30.6 KB, 4 views)
one hit.rpl (48.2 KB, 4 views)
IM GONNA WIN.rpl (44.0 KB, 4 views)
In the light there is always void...
Originally Posted by XOsphere View Post
My name is:XOsphere
Mods I play: Judo, sparring boxmushu V2, Aikido, Parkour < FUN MODS
Belt: I am a Black Belt
The reason I want to join: Because I have heard that the best of the best are here and i want to be a part of them.
Clan I was in: I was a Part of Romanorum a while back(it is a dead clan now).
Why you left the clan: I left the clan because they all turned against me over another person in another clan.
I have had one account earlier: AIROO
what happened to the account: I stopped playing on it
I have also never bought an account with higher QI
Bans/Infractions: banned for one day for not giving someone a hat they have it now.
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Forum and in game activity: 5/10
Special skills: I can make good head textures
State something about yourself: I CAN TRICK :3

Hello XOsphere, thank you for the application, however we are looking for more experienced players who are active, so I have to deny you.

If you are really interested in joining Jolly, my advice is to keep playing, find us in-game, play us, beat us, befriend us. Much harder to say no to a mate.

All the best.
wishful eyes deceive me
Hello, I am Avatar. I haven't made an application to a clan in quite awhile so excuse me if it isn't the best.

So to start things off I want to say that, Jolly Roger has been a clan I have wanted to join for a long time and I am sure that if we search hard enough we can find old applications of mine.(If I can even remember the names). Anyway, I feel that I could really benefit this clan with a high amount of forum activity as well as a high in-game activity. I have been on these forums since 2009 so I am very familiar with the rules and the community.

In toribash, I have decided to buy 20k qi making me a custom belt. I didn't do this to cheat or get a head I really feel that with my experience and time played this is the belt I would be if I committed to one account. I am good at Lenshu3ng, Brushu(Or most of the Wushu Varients). Aikido(BD Greykido and Aikido7). I am decent at the other competitive mods(Rk_mma, Judo, TK etc...), not really improving cause I usually don't play them often.

Now, I am a 22 year old ManBearPig from New Mexico and I am currently attending Uni for welding. I usually spend my time playing video games such as Black ops 3 and Toribash. Now, I am not perfect as I am sure none of you are but I really dislike losing so occasionally I may spout off about it but in the end it never really escalates into anything major just some words said back and forth.
Turning over a new leaf!
we will probably make a thread to discuss about you,but be prepared
to wait for as long as it takes.

You may use this time to try and find us online,get to know us better
and we get to know you.
Alright, do you guys sit in IRC or what cause I don't usually see you guys ingame.
Turning over a new leaf!
It is -7 Mountain.

Call me dumb but this whole timezone thing is confusing af.
Turning over a new leaf!
its nothing complicated,example right now here is 17:00 and i have
gmt +2,now you are -7 so i guess your time is 08:00
and we have a 9 hour difference