Originally Posted by JuaniXk View Post
People in low elo actually know how to lane properly and win lane, it's what we do afterwards that makes us low elo.

You may think you do but you really don't.

The way lower elo people trade is often highly ineffective or self destructive. The minion control in lower elo is also pretty bad.

The only thing bronzongs know how to do is press buttons.
I agree with Hyde here. Minion control is low elo's biggest mistake imo. And then taking wrong decisions by thinking they can do stuff by themselves.
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It's usually just bad decisions that keep you in lower elos. Even a mechanically deficient player should be able to get themselves into the lower echelons of higher elos if they know their limits and play around them. There are no shortage of people who want to carry themselves out of silver by being the next onetrick Lee Sin or Vayne, when they're mechanically challenged or terrible at positioning and would get out of their league faster and easier by playing something less mechanically demanding or with more leniency on positioning.

Minion control is only really necessary if your opponents are controlling minion waves. If both sides push non-stop, it doesn't really hurt either side that they don't know how to control minion waves.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Silver/Gold players are not that mechanically bad though. They can aim skillshots and time their abilities pretty well. It's just not stopping to think before doing, or not having an idea on what to do in certain scenarios. An example, some days ago a Silver 1 friend was playing irelia, he had his Q and was about to kill an enemy, instead of waiting for the enemy to flash over the wall (that's what he did) he used it as soon as it got off cooldown.

For me, the easiest way to win matches in low elo is letting the enemy push and push and push, then you have your whole lane to outplay your opponent or you can also get ganked. Get ganked, get fed, carry.
Apart from that it makes the enemy want to dive you, which always ends up in at least one kill for the one that is being dove.

Parkour • Spar • Skating
Originally Posted by JuaniXk View Post
Silver/Gold players are not that mechanically bad though. They can aim skillshots and time their abilities pretty well. It's just not stopping to think before doing, or not having an idea on what to do in certain scenarios. An example, some days ago a Silver 1 friend was playing irelia, he had his Q and was about to kill an enemy, instead of waiting for the enemy to flash over the wall (that's what he did) he used it as soon as it got off cooldown.

For me, the easiest way to win matches in low elo is letting the enemy push and push and push, then you have your whole lane to outplay your opponent or you can also get ganked. Get ganked, get fed, carry.
Apart from that it makes the enemy want to dive you, which always ends up in at least one kill for the one that is being dove.

It really depends on who you're playing. If I'm playing Rengar top, I drag the minions over to the brush/freeze it there and get control of the lane by forcing the enemy to blow cooldowns to cs and punishing them for doing so.

As Ziggs? I lob Q+E at everything, push two waves at once after 6 and control the map.

You really should never rely on outplaying your opponent mechanically. You might be able to do it occasionally, but any competent player will fuck your shit up.

There are three types of players in D5, from what I've seen. Players with good decision making and bad mechanics, players with good mechanics and mediocre decision making, and boosted monkies.

Don't consider anyone's mechanics to be good unless they consistently wow you with what they are able to do. I have shit mechanics and finished preseason D5. I can't play most mechanically complex champions consistently well, so I primarily stick to what I'm good at and what I can consistently play well.

Just started playing the game again,

Vlad only

nice vlad only.

On another note, alpha client is dope.

Got accepted and aside from a few bugs it looks really nice. Too bad looks don't equal functionality.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
this fkin grading system makes no sense |B/

it was also like 23 mins in before they surr, also i have a good reason why i had 88cs ; their illaoi ''supp'' was rushing in everytime so it was a pain

Last edited by Vishnu; Jul 22, 2016 at 05:24 AM.