I personally get a lot of sensible PMs from users with reports or questions etc etc even some who just wanna chat.

Can't speak for anyone else though, I heard people PM Erth just because someone's sig says to.
<.< >.>
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by zenzen213 View Post
Is there a trial SMod like Trial-GM's?

Or any other Trial staff position other than GM.

Members of the M-Squad have (or used to have) trial periods, if I remember correctly.
Originally Posted by firebolty View Post
Members of the M-Squad have (or used to have) trial periods, if I remember correctly.

Yes, they have trial periods, as said in the recruiting thread.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
My question is, how do you guys pick a girl?

I usually just pick them up, toss them over my shoulder and carry them out of the bar/club. Works fairly well.

And about the trial's question. Yes MSquad has a trial period just like GM's.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Originally Posted by chrisfinne View Post
Most of the staff have something along the lines of "PM me if you have any questions" in their signatures. Do you guys actually get a lot of legitimate questions from people who need help PMing you? Or do you get spam and useless comments?

Whenever I accidentally click on a "PM me" link I always send the PM.
Originally Posted by Mccqa View Post

Answer my question Solax about rank pls.

I don't check my rank so I wouldn't know. Dies it say your rank has changed after you win a game?

Originally Posted by chrisfinne View Post
Most of the staff have something along the lines of "PM me if you have any questions" in their signatures. Do you guys actually get a lot of legitimate questions from people who need help PMing you? Or do you get spam and useless comments?

Most of the pms I get are about people reporting stuff from ingame or else who are tired of waiting for a lack of reply in scam boards and so ask me about it. I don't get that many though. I don't get many other "hello" type Pms either.
No one loves me.

Originally Posted by culapou View Post
who is the one staff member you really don't like

I hate them all equally.

Nah, not really. Everyone on the current staff is pretty cool.
It annoys me a little bit when people aren't active in the position they're in. If they have reasons that's fine but if they're there and just taking up space then grrrrrr.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Nope, GM's are the only staff that require a training period. (As far as I'm aware)

Msquad have trial periods as well.

Originally Posted by chrisfinne View Post
Most of the staff have something along the lines of "PM me if you have any questions" in their signatures. Do you guys actually get a lot of legitimate questions from people who need help PMing you? Or do you get spam and useless comments?

Well i don't have pm me on my sig but thats only because up until very recently we msquad didn't have bigger sigs. Luckily we now to but I haven't gotten around to adding it yet (i might have by the time you see this). Even so I usually get pms from people. The majority of them are asking to confirm rules or asking to look into their scam before any of the others since their scam is the most important. Sometimes i get people just saying random words, which i ignore but mostly i get legit questions.
Last edited by Text; Oct 30, 2012 at 12:44 PM.

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I don't check my rank so I wouldn't know. Dies it say your rank has changed after you win a game?

Most of the pms I get are about people reporting stuff from ingame or else who are tired of waiting for a lack of reply in scam boards and so ask me about it. I don't get that many though. I don't get many other "hello" type Pms either.
No one loves me.

I hate them all equally.

Nah, not really. Everyone on the current staff is pretty cool.
It annoys me a little bit when people aren't active in the position they're in. If they have reasons that's fine but if they're there and just taking up space then grrrrrr.

No I mean, my rank is always dislpayed as 0. In-game it is 364~.
Last edited by Mccqa; Oct 30, 2012 at 04:38 PM.
How does someone get GM-ship (Or other staff)

Is there a button or something?

Or does a specific person have to do it?

Yeah, I DO ask too many questions...
mindless machine