Originally Posted by victortb View Post
Cool dogz,go on group,i wanna see yu face

cant do that lol
$ echo "Code is the canvas where logic dances, and bugs are the unexpected choreography."
Originally Posted by Superseba View Post
Sorry I didn't start the video yet.

Pls guys, you can choose an asian type of music to do the video?
Actually I wan't that, if you guys don't find it I will kill you all don't worry, I choose one.
I need music you know

yh, cool idea but idk the song

Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
So what mod does MAU specialize in?

xspar, taekkyon, erthtk, abd.

Originally Posted by MineDogz View Post
cant do that lol

Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
So what mod does MAU specialize in?

maybe parkour, sparring, abd, mushu and taekkyon
Running away...
I broke my nose and we camebin second, the score was 3-2 my friend got a last second goal and I didn't count I accidentally flipped off the ref, and cslled him a douche...accidentally remember that, accidentally, not on purpose, accidentally
lawl, well I broke one of my fingers in the last 2 mins of a handball macth which we lost Dx
btw yh the mods in which we speciallize are abd/aikido, tk/erth, pk/spar/triking, mushu/wushu