Most clans don get official the first time they apply, if I remember correctly.

Also: bpaz1. Plz don't double post or TRIPLE post. There's a nice little edit button that you press, it lets you edit the post.

For future reference if you want to find somebody in game type in the command /search "name" and if they are online it will give you the room name they're in.

/search EmoTeal
searching for EmoTeal
EmoTeal betzz

So you would type /jo betzz and I would be there.

EDIT: This is how long posts should be not these stupid 2 line spam posts I keep seeing. C'mon, we have a reputation to hold and spam posts just brings us down.
Last edited by EmoTeal; Aug 19, 2012 at 05:44 PM.
god emo thats a pretty long post bro that might be a little hard to live up to your ego tastic reputation lol just kidding i guess your right

for now
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.
@emo: well , same do Like [Mr]. But we got official our second time applying. I put our 100k in to making my clan. So, tc is a must.
Originally Posted by Zankou View Post
@emo: well , same do Like [Mr]. But we got official our second time applying. I put our 100k in to making my clan. So, tc is a must.

Yes, tc is a must.


I can't stress that enough, because tc is basically what runs a clan. We can't do any events if all we have is 8k! That's pretty sad. Ik you guys have some tc to spare, why not chip in like I have?
On my main account I have a AI RELAX I was going to selling for about 32k. I have to wait now till my account is unbanned.. But im trying to get my old custom belt back, it hads alot of tc on it. It was hacked an banned. Im working on getting it back though support.
well guys im ingame if you all would like to join
They say love is when you find the one? but what if love is the one that kills you. Think about it.