
i like pirates
can i join now?

haha jk
JollyR seems like a very nice clan to be apart with loyal members
I am calamity some people know me from my art work and from my old clan Catalyst
I used to be an Item Forger
I made the painters mustache stuff
I am pretty good at wushu and abd but i play anything and everything
i am 14th dan black belt jk im 10th dan almost master belt
beeen around for over 5 years now i am mostly forum active in nature but do jump ingame to mess around and talk to people i know or just play some matchs
i dont have ingame replays but what i do have is the willingness to meet anyone ingame to play with them
im getting a new drawing tablet so i will be making art again soon aswell to keep myself busy on the forums
i was apart of experience up till its death
i was in ultimate for a while
left to make my own clan which ended up becoming catalyst and led that to official but i had personal life issues to deal with. As a result i couldnt lead catalyst. i had promoted new leaders but the group clashed and fell apart.

i had a few infractions for "useless" posting / missing something in a market thread
i have never been banned(itll stay that way)
im 20 years old
i live in the USA time zone -5/-4

i did indeed buy qi 5k of it
which leads to 9k of my qi being legit

my special skill is making tc
feel free to pm me for any questions you may have


I still take texture requests for usd
Hey Cal, you've been put under discussion c:
feel free to post around our public boards to get to know more of the members and try to find us in-game as well!
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.

My Application

Just kidding, this is my actual app

I hope you guys will consider me. Thanks for reading.

Also Happy Holiday's!
[JollyR] [Ct] |Event Squad| (Au) [xp]
Pill || Calamity || Dropkick || Jere
May I ask both of you, Calamity, Submerge.
I see you were both in it 1-2 weeks ago.
What happened with the clan Dragon?
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
we joined that clan on a wim to help them with leading that clan but after talking with a few people in the clan and seeing how it was run we both didn't feel like we fit in
i know submerge felt very similar about the clan so i wont speak entirely for him but for me i didnt fit into that clan

the main difference between dragon and jollyr is we both were hesitant about joining dragon but with jollyr we actually want to join
because we know alot more about jollyR then we did about dragon and we have met a few of you guys around the game
(hi TPK)
Last edited by Calamity; Dec 24, 2015 at 03:12 PM.
I still take texture requests for usd
Ok thanks.
Would highly advise you try to find us in-game and beat us senseless to get our vote :3
Just pm people when you are to see if they are free to join.
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
mm.. Hi again pirates. I see this clan is getting more active now? Right? So, i'm wondering. can i take another shot to join this clan? Since you guys possibly already somewhat know me or maybe remember the application i wrote some months ago. Maybe i write something different now..

Something that came to my mind...

Last edited by hunter; Feb 14, 2016 at 02:02 AM.
"raawr says the dinosaur right?"
Originally Posted by hunter View Post
mm.. Hi again pirates. I see this clan is getting more active now? Right? So, i'm wondering. can i take another shot to join this clan? Since you guys possibly already somewhat know me or maybe remember the application i wrote some months ago. Maybe i write something different now..

Something that came to my mind...

I like how you're still interested, but when you applied the first time, you
ended up joining another clan without informing us.. not sure how this'll bode
on your new app, but it's something we're gonna take into consideration when
discussing your new app,.,
so if you'd like to explain something about that or whatever, now's a good time
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
I like how you're still interested, but when you applied the first time, you
ended up joining another clan without informing us.. not sure how this'll bode
on your new app, but it's something we're gonna take into consideration when
discussing your new app,.,
so if you'd like to explain something about that or whatever, now's a good time

I guess that's what i did, but i wasn't quite sure did you guys even cared if i informed that i joined to another clan because of what dropkick said back then. I did stick around couple weeks waiting for something from you guys before joining to that clan and went inactive for couple months because of stuff. I guess i got kicked out of it because i was inactive.

Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
@hunter, we've considered a trial type thing before but it never really made it through. We lost two of our most active players so chances are things are just going to idle here for a while because no one is really doing anything. If you wish to pursue another clan we dont want to keep you waiting.

Last edited by hunter; Feb 14, 2016 at 12:12 PM.
"raawr says the dinosaur right?"
Hi members of JollyR!

Why I want to reach you?
Looking for a great clan, active, respectful and go-getter. Looking for a clan that makes wars and several event. Deplus, I am looking to join a clan containing players Toribash good. In short, JollyR responds to all these factors!

My experience on Toribash?
I play a Toribash since very long time. Although I am only black belt, I consider myself a very good player. My favorite mod is BoxshuMushu. I won my first tournament in this mod. I also like Judo. To be honest, I hate Aikido, and Greykido AikidoBigDojo. I am enormously bad in these mods.

What can I bring to the clan?
I can help the clan to victories in war. Deplus, I can help the clan create some event like bet servers. I can help members who are in trouble.

My hobbies are video games and hockey. My favorite computer games is Toribash. I play for a very long time Toribash. On the Xbox 360 is Halo. Besides, if you have an Xbox360 tell me!

My name is Jeremy and I Cassista 13 years. I was born on January 8, 2003. I'm size of a 13 year old and I am serious it be in the classroom or in my sport. I live in Canada in the province of Quebec, so I speak French and a little English (I am anyway good English). Very young, I discovered a passion for my favorite sport: hockey. I play since I'm 3 ans.Je a special school: Sports-Etudes. It is a school where we do sports in the morning and going to school after the noon. With this shcool, I can learn while playing is my favorite sport.

I love the drawings animate: Naruto. My favorite meal is poutine. My favorite music is : Enimem t'ill a collapse. I like to learn English by playing a Toribash. My sister is 10 years old.

A big thank you for reading!
I hope I can join your troops!