Originally Posted by 16bars View Post
I don't feel like Ryze needs a rework. In my opinion he's a solid champion, even though he does a lot of damage. He is strong but he's a late game champion. Yorick definitely needs a rework, he's so boring, stupid and anti fun.

Renekton isn't a bad champion, I'd say he's a well rounded champion. He's tanky, he does good amount of damage, he has a good stun and a good gap closer. All he needs is Black Cleaver and Sunfire and he does amazing damage.

Tyzi that reminds me of Gbay99s champion pool xD.

Wrong. Ryze perma-locking people with resetting his W makes him in desperate need of a rework.

Renekton either does damage or he is tanky, not both. If he's tanky, his gapclose leads to one stun. If he's got damage, he won't survive long enough to deal his damage.
If you want damage in a top laner, pick anyone else... at all. If you want tank, pick someone with good CC worth grabbing.

Also I'm an adc main what champ pool/who's gbay99
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

He's an Irelia main who doesn't like to play tanks. He's basically me if he didn't like Irelia and he was Silver V.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
Wrong. Ryze perma-locking people with resetting his W makes him in desperate need of a rework.

Renekton either does damage or he is tanky, not both. If he's tanky, his gapclose leads to one stun. If he's got damage, he won't survive long enough to deal his damage.
If you want damage in a top laner, pick anyone else... at all. If you want tank, pick someone with good CC worth grabbing.

Also I'm an adc main what champ pool/who's gbay99

I guess you're right but I still don't think he needs a rework just my opinion.

Renekton is just like Darius, all you need is Thr Black Cleaver and you do a good amount of damage. The damage isn't sure high but you could get Titanic Hydra which gives HP and damage. Renekton in my eyes is a well rounded top laner.

Gbay99 is a League of Legends, he mains top, in diamond and mains irelia and plays maokai, trundle and jax. He's a great Youtuber in my opinion.
Renekton is only pickable into one or two comps, those being rush and splitpush comps, mainly due to the fact that he absolutely dominates early game, with his high base damage.
As TyZi said, he has to go tank or damage, and either way he's pretty useless later on with his scalings being quite bad. He is still annoying as a tank though.

Originally Posted by 16bars View Post
I guess you're right but I still don't think he needs a rework just my opinion.

Renekton is just like Darius, all you need is Thr Black Cleaver and you do a good amount of damage. The damage isn't sure high but you could get Titanic Hydra which gives HP and damage. Renekton in my eyes is a well rounded top laner.

Gbay99 is a League of Legends, he mains top, in diamond and mains irelia and plays maokai, trundle and jax. He's a great Youtuber in my opinion.

your opinion is that permasnaring people and perma aoe damage isn't in need of a rework..

darius does truedamage on his ult, if it wasn't for his ult, he wouldn't be strong. he wasn't strong for so long because adcs like lucian were big and he can't get 5 stacks to ult on...
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I'm still under the firm belief that suppression is a lazy mechanic that needs a rework. I mean sure, only two champions have it, but not being able to do a single thing for so long just because I got caught by an ult is frankly stupid. There isn't much outplay to the mechanic. Luckily, as a jungler and support player, I usually don't have to deal with them.
I think I might be retired.
There's a cool, situational trick here tho. Suppression is interrupted by CC so if you have any CC ability that has a cast time or is a projectile, it is possible for you to interrupt it by yourself. It's probably the only good thing that comes from a Yasuo vs Malzahar matchup for me and I've seen plenty of Vayne players, like Gosu, use Condemn to get out of Warwick's ult. Annie's Tibbers stun works as well. There's probably more, but these three are the ones I have done myself.

Still pretty situational.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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As a katarina player, WW's ult is pretty annoying. Usually it results in my death or at least leaves me at 1/4 HP. But as tanky champions, even if you don't have any CC it's not too bad. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that WW's ult gives him strong assassination potential, but it's not broken to the point of needing a rework because he can still take damage, and it's not a guaranteed kill, especially in a teamfight.
When you're tilted because team keeps sending 3 people for Shaco instead of just sieging down mid

Then this shit happens after

"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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