I may have overfunned myself today. I never knew that tb bball was so full of win. (ty, ape) I lost all sense of time and now I'm off to work for a brutal 12 hour shift with zero sleep. This is Sparta >:c
Last edited by illv; May 4, 2014 at 11:48 PM. Reason: invented a word
Last edited by illv; 1 Hour Ago at 10:48 PM.. Reason: invented a word

lol'd at that, dunno why
Wait, what
Hey, Pammy!

It's been a while indeed.

Hope you're still into Alison Brie. I still have that 750-step kidnap-Alison-and-make-her-our-slave plan that we cooked up on my study bureau. Wouldn't want it to go to waste.
Originally Posted by Trick View Post
Hey, Pammy!

It's been a while indeed.

Hope you're still into Alison Brie. I still have that 750-step kidnap-Alison-and-make-her-our-slave plan that we cooked up on my study bureau. Wouldn't want it to go to waste.

Any details your interested in exploiting?
We need somebody who suplexes dump trucks for fun.

Think you're up for the job, Creati0n?

We intend to use Alison to advertise our snow-flavored snowcones.
Last edited by Trick; May 5, 2014 at 06:00 AM. Reason: I like editing.
Originally Posted by Trick View Post
We need somebody who suplexes dump trucks for fun.

Think you're up for the job, Creati0n?

Please. I suplexed Godzilla one time because he stole my Decap Opener.
I'm totally cut out for the job!
Last edited by Creati0n; May 5, 2014 at 10:51 PM. Reason: Blame the errors on me typing on an iPhone at 3AM >:c