
What's wrong with my build? I like 500 aoe magic damage :c
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Any tips for kayle? I got riot kayle ON A BUNDLE a while back and i really don't want it to go to waste :c
Last edited by Lust; Jun 8, 2016 at 04:13 PM.
Don't die early. Build rageblade. Press E. Click in general direction of enemies. Press r.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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So dear frikin Sparchar

What the hell is wrong with the way you build :


Everything, first you go on statikk, which is a stupid ass item rn on yasuo, PD is way better for his passive and he give the EXACT same F*CKING stats. AND with a Statikk you kill all the minions, meaning you create LESS Dashing or tornado stacking possibilites. GOD.


Play fervor of battle not only fkin warlord. Since yasuo Q and auto a frikin lot you stack fervor pretty fast and pull out dope damage.


If you want to play it cocky but still having damage, GO FOR A STERAK, GO FOR A FROZEN MALLET (Broken ass item with slow , abusive on yasuo atm)

The boots, oh my god the boots.
Go for mercury, almost always.

I know you're playing vs assassin or adc sonofabitch but who cares ? Seriously since yasuo is always close combat when fighting , you need the mercury boots.

AND if you're going for some lifesteal, take a BOTRK, Its passive and attack speed are way more worth it than the BT.

Keep building IE , landing good damages.

*Trigger off*
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Chill niqqa

Wait is statikk bad on yasuo at 6.11?
I also buy black cleaver on yas over GA cus y not? c:
I only build Phantom Dancer at certain scenarios. You can't tell me that Shiv doesn't have a place in Yasuo anymore because it still synergizes on him pretty well. And I bought a Sterak's because I wanted armor and health to stack woth lifesteal - thornmail because they all literally auto attack. I bought tabis as soon as I could that game and I survived a bajillion cheese ganks from Twitch.

You could've saved the trigger for a little bit longer. Oh yeah, the Shiv is basically a magic damage Fervor. My tankiness also synergizes with the BT much better than a Botrk. I did consider a botrk that game tho but stopped at cutlas to build Thornmail because fuck ganks. Fuck Talon. I died once in lane and he's suddenly 7/2 because team doesnt know what my pings mean (they were premade).
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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PD gives better survivability on Yasuo. You don't need the extra damage of stattik shiv, it's better to get the damage reduction and ghostwalking.

They're all AD, not all autoattackers. Udyr and Twitch are the only true autoattack based characters on their team, other than their support Teemo, so an item that gives health and armor would have been more effective than a Thornmail.

Fervor is garbage on Yasuo, with 100% crit the bonus 40 something damage it can give on attacks is practically unnoticeable, considering you'll kill most targets at that point in fewer autos than it would take for Fervor to even stack to that level. Free lifesteal from warlord's on a champion that will reap tons of reward off of it, and will receive tons of focus because he's cancerous, is better than a little extra damage on an already bloated damage kit. Don't bother changing the mastery.
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
PD gives better survivability on Yasuo. You don't need the extra damage of stattik shiv, it's better to get the damage reduction and ghostwalking.

They're all AD, not all autoattackers. Udyr and Twitch are the only true autoattack based characters on their team, other than their support Teemo, so an item that gives health and armor would have been more effective than a Thornmail.

Fervor is garbage on Yasuo, with 100% crit the bonus 40 something damage it can give on attacks is practically unnoticeable, considering you'll kill most targets at that point in fewer autos than it would take for Fervor to even stack to that level. Free lifesteal from warlord's on a champion that will reap tons of reward off of it, and will receive tons of focus because he's cancerous, is better than a little extra damage on an already bloated damage kit. Don't bother changing the mastery.

I agree with you on all point except the fervor one,

Fervor is actually really great in early game since Yasuo will stack up his fervor pretty fast. It's also really usefull in matchup vs Tank (Maokai, Sion...etc)
French Player, Old member of OFRO
That's not a lot of damage I'm missing. Compared to the health I'm getting back, an extra 14/28/42/56 damage isn't gonna do much against all the shit you'll be taking. Besides, lifesteal is so much better for dueling so maybe you should get it.

Also, why ghost walking? Im yasuo.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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