Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
My parents name are Revan and Malak.

holy shit did nobody else get that? StarWars KotOR FTW!
Avas ye scurvy wench! Ye'll walk the plank! We're [Piratez]!
Dont Type At Me In That Tone Of Voice ,I,,(O_o),,I,

Revan and Malak are sith lords in the StarWars Knights of the Old Republic games.
Avas ye scurvy wench! Ye'll walk the plank! We're [Piratez]!
Dont Type At Me In That Tone Of Voice ,I,,(O_o),,I,

So basically, Sicks is a sith lord
Avas ye scurvy wench! Ye'll walk the plank! We're [Piratez]!
Dont Type At Me In That Tone Of Voice ,I,,(O_o),,I,

Headspins make your head skin go off. I noticed paper like things in my hair a week ago. I thought that my classmates threw them in my hair. But yeah I noticed that after washing my hair thrice those things are still there. Yep now I have shitloads of skin in my hair. And the best part is that I can't get every piece of skin out. I'll stop practising headspins for a while.