Originally Posted by linkhunter View Post
haha we know
But Im trying to do something about ur ban

I find it a bit too much for a useless post

Especially when I deleted it 2 minutes after I made it .__. How the hell did that guy find it so fast?!
And I think its that long because of Infraction build-up.
i still thinking why danwebb i know...danwebb really love extreme.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Some people tend to lie bout their love for this clan
Some tell the truth

Well If he applies again its a freakin No for him
I wont give a shit on how good he is next time
All I know is he leaves for no reason
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Originally Posted by 17april View Post
i still thinking why danwebb i know...danwebb really love extreme.

Personally I thought he was a Dick.

Anywho, what'd I miss today?
We are defined as a person by the decisions we make.
i can name alot of them

But I still love the Original 3 of this clan
Our love for this clan is true and strong
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?