I'm all about being a nerd ok. Toribash is pretty nerdy and I dont care because I love it.

But this: is taking nerdy to a disgusting level.
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Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
I'm all about being a nerd ok. Toribash is pretty nerdy and I dont care because I love it.

But this: is taking nerdy to a disgusting level.

I thought it sounded interesting

what am i doing here
Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
I'm all about being a nerd ok. Toribash is pretty nerdy and I dont care because I love it.

But this: is taking nerdy to a disgusting level.

...a disgustingly entertaining level!
You can't tell me you haven't ever played and nerdy card game.
i've played yugioh and pokemon cards, but that's maybe because i was little and now i don't like these card games anymore, i can't even be arsed to check the video :v