Man, looks awesome. Can't wait to try it out. I'm a really big fan of the classics. Wait, you know what, I'm making an 8-bit platformer. It'll be cool. Just wait for the 1st beta.
Originally Posted by Chartle View Post
It's made with Gamemaker

Gotta love GameMaker!
Last edited by Brawltendo; Jan 14, 2012 at 06:04 PM.
Insert random reference to you here.
Good news everyone!

I am resuming work on this because i read a highly inspiring article on the nets. And also because i hate leaving things unfinished.

Anyhoo, about the image: It is a new enemy i dubbed the Fan, because of its fan-like wings. And because of how it follows you in a manner most annoying. Basically, it adds hostile strafing runs to the game, and you'll be hating them very quickly. They pop up quickly, shoot a quick 6-round burst at you and then zips off to the side before crashing into you (which could still happen if you dodge haplessly). Don't worry though, i won't be using these as much as ubiquitous Wedge. :U (also, the toughest version of it will be sporting 4 guns rather than 2, so you get 12 boolits shot at you)

In other news, i also managed to fabricate a video of me completing level 7 on normal. (i bet you'd be more impressed if it was on Nightmare, but hey, i didn't call it Nightmare because it was anything close to easy)

Be sure to watch it full-size on youtube too, because i went through great effort to get an ok-ish quality on the video. So yeah, stay tuned, might have a new version before a million years have passed.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
yes please

your game is amazing, I'm glad to see you pick it up again :D
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Glad to hear that! I'm also glad myself, because i just know i'll be like "oh you sod why did you not complete that game" when i get older if i don't complete it.

Also, progress report of today: Finished level 8 (which is deliciously annoying), Fan ships are working smoothly (though i need to tweak their retreating a bit), and i have concluded that it is, in fact, possible to complete the current public version on Nightmare, as i did so in class today. I only died twice; one of the times was against the boss, who's an absolute dickhead on Nightmare with those instant lasers. Hence, i decided to oblige to BishopOne's possibly-joking request to have a super heroically hard super man mode.

EPIC MAN MODE. Thought Nightmare was bad with the double damage? Well guess what, on EPIC MAN MODE you take twenty times the normal damage. Things to note: You have 100 health. Small lasers do 5 base damage. 5 times 20 equals 100. So if you have no armor, absolutely everything kills you instantly. With armor/shield, you can survive a single shot. With extreme armor buffing, you might even survive two!!! Red wedges are basically flying death sentences though, because they deal 25 damage on Normal. Good luck surviving that on EPIC MAN MODE.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol

Progress report: Past few days have been slow, what with Mass Effect 3 popping up. Currently working on making green beams (the instant ones) reflect off your shield, and i've made a new sprite for the beam ships, which are now called Bzapks.



So yeah. I've also begun work on the second boss' sprite, though that'll probably take some time, in that it's more than twice as large. It also has a really simple outline, so i'll have to make tons of details on it to compensate. :c

Other planned features for next version:
- Level 9, which introduces yellow Bzapks, whose beams act like the current green ones (meaning that they pierce and collapse your shield instantly)
- Spread shot upgrade in shop
- Super recharge speed upgrade
- Maybe level 10, which introduces the next boss
- New shield graphics
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I need to try this game, looks pretty neat.
So... i really should.....
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
You totally should, it's free and not very big. I still appreciate any comments, believe it or not. :U

Also, before i call it a day...

REFLECTION. Now i just need to add the final bit of polish to the effects of it, and i can start doing level 9.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Thanks! Also, NEWS FLASH.

Yellow beams don't give a shit about your shields. Y'know, just to mitigate the fact that green beams bounce off now. They also hurt more, as you can see, since it hurts enough to trigger the red screen flash. The good news is that they don't damage your shield at all. Also...

Spread shot is a reality. The implementation of it went amazingly well; the very first idea and try i had, and it worked perfectly. It's an extremely powerful upgrade, even with the massive debuff in damage (-5 currently) it gives you. The shown configuration (all turret upgrades + 4 skillpoints in turret damage) was easily able to plow through level 4 without even touching the front guns. Unfortunately for you, the upgrade is really expensive, and getting it that early will probably cripple you horribly. Why? Because if you take that huge damage debuff before being able to support it (i.e. dropping below 7 is bad news, below 5 is a death sentence), you won't be able to kill the enemies properly. Which reminds me, it should be possible to sell upgrades again, in case you find yourself hitting an impasse because of poor upgrade choices.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol