Accepting all prezziez as of now 17! My mum is even shocked shes like "wtf my son is old"
"Imn no jut drunl i njutst ahve whisky"
Toxik, that posting background is awesome. Do you watch the Anime or read the Manga?

Also Sanji is indisputably the worst member of the crew. Yes, worse than Nami.
Oh, happy birthday dude!
Last edited by SpmSL; Sep 29, 2012 at 10:52 PM.
No but I'm currently watching the anime but I read it when I was younger.
And Sanji's badass, gtfo.
Oh lol, woops. Changed it.

Nah man, fuck that. Sanji's a cunt, constantly puts the crew in jeopardy by refusing to hit women. He used to be my favourite until that bullshit with the soap woman.

You up to date in the anime?
Not that up to date anymore... Long time ago and just got back to it... :0 Loving it. Although Dragon Ball will always be better ;3
Yeah man. I'm in the same boat with that series, started watching it a long time ago, never got up to date. Shit's amazing though, I really need to finish it.

Ever watch Stein's Gate?
Sanji is a POOTIS
Hello anyways. How it's going mates?
|Windows Belt 10| |Damned Leader| |Ex-GameKeeper-2010| |RUTori| |Á¸² ÅùÁ|
|Ex-ClanSquad-2018| |20% Cooler than you| |1st nick - Major|

*pootis is ENGINEER*
Happy level up Spazta

I actually read the last 4-5 pages
Hows it goin' bros

I got myself some games after getting hit in the face with a soccer ball :>
mindless machine