I will be less active during the work days, maybe no chance to test, post replays vs Neon and Krucio pls (anyone who has them)
and pls Krucio comment lulus tk skill
also what bout aikido, lenshu3?
wishful eyes deceive me
thats cewl, we need good tk players
maybe Squiz can test him in tk I think he s pretty good (not to underestimate u're tk skill guys )
wishful eyes deceive me
No from me for lulu.

Just no,I dont wanna explain why did I vote no.

anyone has his right to vote.

Its none of othe members business.

my members are contesting *sigh*
The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.
Im open to testing anyone anyway you guys want, but im gettigng the feeling there's a little to much no voting going on.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Originally Posted by McBurger View Post
Im A Fagget

lol nice

and the reply

Sounds cewl - hahahha

Last edited by Mc last week ago
wishful eyes deceive me