4th? or 5th? something like that. i could be wrong tho.
[RelaxAll]Nikelaos:Kickass is chained to this clan with indestructible shackles, his balls are also superglued to the chair.

indeed, we haven't been legion for 2 centuries now, hows about we possess someone?

Originally Posted by the bible
We are legion for we are many

Ass is a common ghetto suffix
We just possessed you. erm. Deady, tho I have to be told about his belt to know where to put him, and TheLegendaryNinja is readying himself mentally to bring himself back on to where he fucking belongs ...
I'll get rid of 2bit and/or jaffacake in a second tho. 2bit for misrepresenting - he really acts WRONG. jaffacake for loosing contact with the "central" (here, *points at self*) and generally, yea. we could use >somebody intelligent<. Just as you or maldi for example ;p. Or some who plays awesomely like scheczudio and hmm kickass, snowflake, krew? generally yea why not looking around for some sexy asses that deserve "RelaxAll" written on their pansies. If you know what I mean.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
that post get my stamp of approval.(not that u need it)

                   4MMML                  .     
                   MMMMM.                xf     
   .              "MMMMM               .MM-     
    Mh..          +MMMMMM            .MMMM      
    .MMM.         .MMMMML.          MMMMMh      
     )MMMh.        MMMMMM         MMMMMMM       
      3MMMMx.     'kickass      xnMMMMMM"       
      '*MMAMM      MMMMMM.     nMMMMMMP"        
        *MMSMMx    "MMMMM\    .MMMMMMM=         
         *MMSMMh   "MMMMM"   JMMMMMMP           
           MMMMMM   3MMMM.  dMMMMMM            .
            MMMMMM  "MMMM  .MMMMM(        .nnMP"
=..          *MMMMx  MMM"  dMMMM"    .nnMMMMM*  
  "MMn...     'MMMMr 'MM   MMM"   .nMMMMMMM*"   
   "4MMMMnn..   *MMM  MM  MMP"  .dM655MMM""     
     ^MMMMMMMMx.  *ML "M .M*  .MMMM35**"        
        *PMMMMMMhn. *x > M  .MMMM**""           
           ""**MMMMhx/.h/ .=*"                  
                  nP"     "*MMnx
[RelaxAll]Nikelaos:Kickass is chained to this clan with indestructible shackles, his balls are also superglued to the chair.

ok we number 1800 relaxallians now.
deady added, 2bit substracted.
how about new recruits dudes? bring them home O;<
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
ok 1700. after all jaffa kinda lost the plot too much.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"