you got me with the metal ballz tut thingy U^U'
Soo... I'm in as a member?
[RAID] | [T3AL] | [FLG]
I won't be active in-forums or in-game until 4.0 comes out.
yes. we need some good animators in this org ^_^ most other people here are more modeling or render biased

love the shapeformer, i especially like how its easy to see what you did to make it (parented a cut up cube to robo parts and animated etc....)

actually, it was first a cube (4x4x4 segments) which was meant to be cut up, but then I changed it by 96 planes taking the place of all the faces XP. extruded them, and the rest is history.
If you loved this one, wait until you see my next ones. right now, I'm working on another one. the series will have arround four or five robots, so let's get working!!

PS: can I put the [T3AL] tag in my sig?
[RAID] | [T3AL] | [FLG]
I won't be active in-forums or in-game until 4.0 comes out.
of course lol. you're in t3al

also, im looking forward to sphere, but i see that as being a quite a challenge. you have inspired me to make one, but itll be more of a drone robot than a humanoid

idea: sphere opens up with a shape like squid tentacles, inside are metallics struts holding the shell. in the center is an "eye" which can fire high powered energy rounds. spikes spin around the semi-sphere of shell to which the eye is attatched

dont steal my idea. unless you like it of course

i like it, but i already have ideas for the next four bots.
-A sphere
-A pyramid (working on it)
-A cylinder
-A combination of the cube, the shpere, the pyramid and the cylinder.
I will not tell you what i have planned for each of them, so you'll know when I finish them and upload them
[RAID] | [T3AL] | [FLG]
I won't be active in-forums or in-game until 4.0 comes out.
with three hours per day, arround four days. and that was just a cube. working on more complex shapes could take longer
[RAID] | [T3AL] | [FLG]
I won't be active in-forums or in-game until 4.0 comes out.
Name: ViperTech aka Alex Kesting

GMT: +1 (Germany)

How long have you been practicing 3d arts?: Since around 14-15yrs...since 10yrs self-employed as CGI-Artist with own company

What software do you use?: Most of the time 3ds Max (2010/2011) and Rhinoceros, sometimes Maya.

Examples of your work: Some of my private scenes and models u can find here. Business-works I can't post in fact of the copyright-rules.
Some of the samples are still WIP...less free time to complete them finally.

Uhm...I don't know if I should apply as a teacher...for a study I think I'm too far into the stuff
Admins, ur choice where u put me
Check my Soundcloud ;)