I would play it again if it was easier to figure out. I heard that vampires can sneak into your fortress and feed on your dwarves, then blame someone else. Truly, the AI is down right amazing.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
I would play it again if it was easier to figure out. I heard that vampires can sneak into your fortress and feed on your dwarves, then blame someone else. Truly, the AI is down right amazing.

it's not going to be easy but I understand you this game is crazy and tough to learn.It took me 1 month+ (playing and tutorials) and after that everything was easy to understand just follow captnduck's tutorial on youtube
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_('ω'(Q) Have a Banana
Last I played you could easily find out who the vampire dwarves were using one of a few methods.

One, engraving a slab or otherwise in memory of the dead dwarf will show who the vampire is under the dwarf's cause of death.
Two, vampires have absurdly long relationship lists.
Three, just keeping your dwarves in a communal sleeping area helps them spot potential vampires, but again you might run into the whole problem with them lying and framing others.
Four, if you keep a close eye on your dwarves' sleeping quarters, you'll notice a vampire when it goes to feed because it changes its symbol into the nightcreature symbol (ñ). If you've caught him in a private room, you can simply forbid all the doors and leave him there to rot. Or fill the room with magma, if your doors can handle it or you've taken other precautions.

My personal favourite way of killing vampires as the overseer of my dwarves is setting up a gigantic pile of dirt or rocks supported by a single support, placing a lever beneath it, and assigning the vampire dwarf to pull that lever. Collapsing floors into spike pits works too.
Last edited by 4zb41; Dec 3, 2012 at 03:53 AM.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
Last I played you could easily find out who the vampire dwarves were using one of a few methods.

One, engraving a slab or otherwise in memory of the dead dwarf will show who the vampire is under the dwarf's cause of death.
Two, vampires have absurdly long relationship lists.
Three, just keeping your dwarves in a communal sleeping area helps them spot potential vampires, but again you might run into the whole problem with them lying and framing others.
Four, if you keep a close eye on your dwarves' sleeping quarters, you'll notice a vampire when it goes to feed because it changes its symbol into the nightcreature symbol (ñ). If you've caught him in a private room, you can simply forbid all the doors and leave him there to rot. Or fill the room with magma, if your doors can handle it or you've taken other precautions.

My personal favourite way of killing vampires as the overseer of my dwarves is setting up a gigantic pile of dirt or rocks supported by a single support, placing a lever beneath it, and assigning the vampire dwarf to pull that lever. Collapsing floors into spike pits works too.

Five: Vampires don't eat, drink or sleep, so if you suspect someone of being a vampire, wall them into a room and keep an eye on them.

Oh, and if you stick a chair and table in there, you can have a Vampire Accountant (bookkeeper)/Manager! Never eats! Never drinks! Never sleeps! Doesn't cry! The perfect worker!

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Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Five: Vampires don't eat, drink or sleep, so if you suspect someone of being a vampire, wall them into a room and keep an eye on them.

Oh, and if you stick a chair and table in there, you can have a Vampire Accountant (bookkeeper)/Manager! Never eats! Never drinks! Never sleeps! Doesn't cry! The perfect worker!

W8 mine was sleeping for long long time and he didnt have any injuries.
I also had him traped in a room without food drinks just a chair,a table and a bed and he stood there without hunger so that makes him a 100% vampire
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_('ω'(Q) Have a Banana
Yeah, pretty sure vampires can sleep. Also vampire workers are the shit.

Also, aren't there zombie dwarves? I remember having an army of the undead charge my fortress and eat my dwarves, and it said they were like Undead Dwarves or some shit.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Yeah there's undead just-about-anythings. It's a hazard of starting in an evil biome. If I remember correctly any corpses inside or around your fortress can rise up again if they're not properly disposed of.

Dwarves and anything else can get "thralled" by certain weather effects too, making them effectively zombies, although more powerful ones than usual as they haven't had time to rot. Stuff like malevolent gas clouds and poison rain. This is particularly nasty if whatever substance infected them is still present on their body or their weapons, leading to instant-thralling of anyone who engages them in close quarters combat (so long as it's organic).
Last edited by 4zb41; Dec 4, 2012 at 10:10 AM.
Okay yeah, I remember about the whole thrawling thing now.

But the evil biomes have undead shit EVERYWHERE. I mean damn, last time I played 6 months ago I played in evil, and there was never a time when skeletons and whatever else attacked.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
I wasnt actualy embarked on an evil biome
I was on a normal.The year was 500+ and I had 2 fortresses on this world and both had undead attacks idk why.On the first one there was a necromancer tower but on the second there wasnt and were big undead charges
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_('ω'(Q) Have a Banana