Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Anyone know any game with a similar combat system to Trespasser?

For those who don't know what i'm talking about, Trespasser was an old "FPS"* game set in the Jurassic Park world where the main character has crash landed and has to fight through dinos to get herself off the island.

The most unique feature of this otherwise average game was how you defend yourself and interact with world objects. Essentially, your hand was attached to the mouse. Click a button and you reach out your hand, which you can then move with the mouse. Another button makes you grab whatever your hand is on, and yet another button makes you throw whatever you're currently grasping. Whilst grabbing something, be it a baseball bat or a large crate, you can move it with the mouse just like your empty hand.
What this leads to is shitting your pants while a dinosaur runs towards you only to realise that there's a handy steel rod at your feet which you can pick up and swing around with the mouse to beat the dino's head in.
It's an incredibly immersive feature. Note that there's also guns which you can pick up and aim as you see fit just like with any other object, except these of course shoot. You can even hold your pistol sideways if you so choose.

So, with that explanation over and done with, does anyone know of any game that uses a similar mechanic?

*note I put "FPS" in quotes because the game is in first person but you run out of bullets so fast and guns are so scarce it really boils down to finding the closest available improvised weapon to beat a T-Rex down with or running and hiding like a frightened rabbit.
Last edited by 4zb41; Jan 29, 2011 at 09:36 AM.
Originally Posted by destiny View Post
>Call of Duty
>realistic weapons


you should probably try A.V.A. deady

No game has realistic weapons, besides the way the weapon looks.
Hey, I'm looking for something new to play.

Could someone suggest some good, creativity based games? Good physics are a plus, as well. I don't care what era of gaming it is from.

I have a lot of these types of games, so they would have to be pretty un-popular.
Hey. Sup
Dwarf Fortress probably counts, in a way. Not good graphics though.
I say it's creative because i've often found myself lost in thought over how to make better spike traps to throw my nobles into. But there's stuff like building giant upside-down pyramids and stuff that you'd expect to see in minecraft.
Crayon Physics is physics based and about drawing.
That might suit you pretty well.

For the creativity part alone, you should try Minecraft.
It's great.
I'm looking for some sort of bike game, that I played a long time ago. It's a web-based game. You can build your own tracks etc I forgot what it was.

Any answers?