I love math and all as a stereotypical Asian, but statistical math makes me want to kill myself.

Anyway, I finally got rid of leaverbuster...after 3 months lol
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
But how does it measure somebody performing well? What stats are being used to determine somebody doing well in that role? If it's unknown how each stat influences your performance rating, how are you to know why you're performing better than anybody in that role? I've had games on support Blitz where I go 9/3/13, ~40% kill participation, drop like 40 wards, and get a S, but I have games where I go 13/0/26, ~80% kill participation, and drop like 90 wards, and get an A. Objectively, I'm performing significantly better with the A game, but some stat is being given some amount of weight compared to everything else. And that's ridiculous, why should my success in a role be determined by what Riot decides is valued in that role?

A detailed system doesn't mean it's an effective, or even an accurate system. For all you know they could just be using a weighted RNG system seeded by the KDA ratio of a Bronze player in Korea divided by the number of Ardent Censors purchased in the last hour on the Oceania servers, and you would be none the wiser. Because it's all hidden behind a curtain, and the results are anything but predictable, let alone logical at times, it breeds animosity towards the system.

I would say a detailed system would mean effective. It is just detailed in ways we don't understand. The more detailed the data collected and recorded, the more accurate the information. If they are collecting every piece of data from the game you just played, then the scoring system is fine pointed.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
I would say a detailed system would mean effective. It is just detailed in ways we don't understand. The more detailed the data collected and recorded, the more accurate the information. If they are collecting every piece of data from the game you just played, then the scoring system is fine pointed.

Detailed does not equate effective. Hypothetically, let's say I'm measuring everything you do in the game, down to even where you're looking at the screen. Now if the system only gives you an S rank if you spend exactly 22.12 seconds staring at Caitlyn's breasts in the loading screen, followed by exactly 34.52 seconds in the shop before heading to lane, and acquire cs at a rate of at least 5.2383 minions per minute, and raise your dongers at least five times, but not if you're playing as Teemo jungle, and place no more than 13 wards, and flame your jungler at least three times for not ganking your lane, before winning via backdoor nasus at 45 minutes and 32 seconds, while you scream "STOP THE PORTS" in a high-pitched rendition of x twitch streamer, that's certainly detailed. It's certainly not effective.

Of course, this is hyperbole, but it illustrates the problem a lot more blatantly. What if support rank is heavily weighted to how much damage you take when you play somebody like Leona, Alistar, or Blitzcrank, typically viewed bruiser supports? But you didn't take very much damage because you absolutely stomped your opposing lane, and they never got much damage on to you because you either cc'd them too hard, or they died too quickly. Arguably, you're performing very well in that situation. But if the system heavily weighs damage taken, then it would be more likely to state you are doing poorly. But a person who plays identically, except for one misplay which results in them dying, now has a full health pool more damage taken, and the system could say that they're performing better because that specific stat is weighted more heavily for that champion in that role. And that makes absolutely no sense.

Essentially, accuracy is not the same as validity, and complexity doesn't necessitate validity or accuracy. You can do all the differential calculus that you like, and do it accurately, but it will never tell you the capital of Azerbaijan. Similarly, this rating system can measure all the statistics it likes but, if it uses a formula to calculate ratings that does not measure good play, it still won't provide a valid measurement.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
i finally got a penta on kata
i am a legit katarina player now
look at that damage done compared to others doe. Only thing is we got cocky and underestimated our enemy but warwick reconnected and all of them got back on their feet


Pantheon and Darius top is best. Stun and hook and you'll find yourself off the map. 2 top 1 bot hahha good thing the enemy did too. Yas and Lee were ate shit. Although caitlyn had a hard time against sivir xd ofcourse

good thing darius was kind enough to split the kills with me xD he was 16-3

we went against kennen, yasuo, lee sin, sivir, and xin zhao. Kennen as Darius, Pantheon, Xin Zhao, Ekko, and Cait. was the only one who was good and Sivir kill stealed his kills a lot
Last edited by Lust; May 23, 2016 at 05:52 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I decided to fuck everybody I Play with and only Play soraka and illaoi from now on.
I will not Support with soraka tho.

Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god

lust: play kat for 24 hrs and see how many pentas you get, it's not hard
your whole kit has basically no cd.. good job?
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by Reta View Post
I decided to fuck everybody I Play with and only Play soraka and illaoi from now on.
I will not Support with soraka tho.

Is illaoi good now? Remeber she had one of the lowest win rates
Also is graves broken every time i jg with him i lose like 0 health with his attack knock back pretty easy to do a full clear full health
Last edited by Pimp; May 23, 2016 at 02:54 PM.
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
lust: play kat for 24 hrs and see how many pentas you get, it's not hard
your whole kit has basically no cd.. good job?

lmao it was 1v4 thats what made me proud xD i only ks'ed the leb from lee sin :/
we dont have urf anymore
Last edited by Lust; May 23, 2016 at 06:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
This might sound crazy but could deaths dance and executioners work on katarina? Find out on the next episode of dragon ball z.