I just wanted my mastery rank 6 ekko. Ekko is da homje

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Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
That's horseshit. I have games where I've landed >90% of all my hooks on Blitzcrank, go 8/0/18 as support in a 30 minute game, deal more damage than my jungle and top and comparable damage to my mid, and it still only gives me an A+. Their metrics are shit. I find it hard to believe that there is some large enough percentage of support Blitzcranks out there that are carrying harder than me at that point.

wut? I played fucking ad support thresh 3/8/17 and i get S?? Lol i have 5 chests right now i don't have any keys. I'd buy one through RP but it costs 19 rp and i only have 18 :< too bad you cant topup 1 rp.

Ok , there was this wtf time when 4 of us came to an internet cafe, 3 of us played league while the other 1 played crossfire. One of my friends played kata but his computer was shit and he got stuck with the loading screen for like 20 minutes. so it was a 4v5 but we were winning.
the only thing you actually need to read:
He reconed at the 25th minute and had like 1 kill. He got an A plus.
this is my 3rd caitlyn game and i've had so much fun with hat lady

Last edited by Lust; May 22, 2016 at 01:19 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Pretty sure the ranking system has a lot more depth then people give it credit for. IT could be based on role, champion, damage dealt, damage taken, healing, ect. The grading system might even shift based on average champion results.

All in all, its probably very detailed.

playing 3v5 is fun

yi was afk the entire game
annie was helping us a lot but then she dc'd late game
teemo and i were fed asf so it wasn't that difficult to deal with them. bard was ulting in the worst situations and annie got mad lol

kindred came to our base like 3 times just to destroy our nexus and i was like lolnope

and i finally got an s on ashe so i can get a chest
i'm playing as cait jungle right now ev'ryone on my team's hating on me :<
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Pretty sure the ranking system has a lot more depth then people give it credit for. IT could be based on role, champion, damage dealt, damage taken, healing, ect. The grading system might even shift based on average champion results.

All in all, its probably very detailed.

But how does it measure somebody performing well? What stats are being used to determine somebody doing well in that role? If it's unknown how each stat influences your performance rating, how are you to know why you're performing better than anybody in that role? I've had games on support Blitz where I go 9/3/13, ~40% kill participation, drop like 40 wards, and get a S, but I have games where I go 13/0/26, ~80% kill participation, and drop like 90 wards, and get an A. Objectively, I'm performing significantly better with the A game, but some stat is being given some amount of weight compared to everything else. And that's ridiculous, why should my success in a role be determined by what Riot decides is valued in that role?

A detailed system doesn't mean it's an effective, or even an accurate system. For all you know they could just be using a weighted RNG system seeded by the KDA ratio of a Bronze player in Korea divided by the number of Ardent Censors purchased in the last hour on the Oceania servers, and you would be none the wiser. Because it's all hidden behind a curtain, and the results are anything but predictable, let alone logical at times, it breeds animosity towards the system.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
A detailed system doesn't mean it's an effective, or even an accurate system. For all you know they could just be using a weighted RNG system seeded by the KDA ratio of a Bronze player in Korea divided by the number of Ardent Censors purchased in the last hour on the Oceania servers, and you would be none the wiser. Because it's all hidden behind a curtain, and the results are anything but predictable, let alone logical at times, it breeds animosity towards the system.

This paragraph is all I saw. Because it's funny.

And yeah, kinda like how a complex guitar solo doesn't actually guarantee a good one, but the simplest ones are among the best. The Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated has a guitar solo that is literally 1 note. 1. Note. So my theory that this system is so complex that it's bad.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
This is what they use to rank people

Sadly it's already hard to explain, just read the Wikipedia page. You'll be all fluent in french i would explain it myself but yeah.
French Player, Old member of OFRO