Originally Posted by Wolc View Post
I deserve to be in C3 cause I have many skills. My name is Wolc the mighty, Son of Ymmot the Just. I have many champion belts and many more after the next few winters. RIDE WITH ME MY COMRADES LET US TAKE TO THE NIGHT LIKE WHORES IN A BACK ALLEY AWAAYYYYY!!!!

/LastGod impression (ごめんなさい。)
Rappunk said I need to put him on my sig :P
"So what if I lied? At least I'm honest about it."
Originally Posted by DarkeVipr View Post
/LastGod impression (ごめんなさい。)

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

wait is wolc clow bakwards?!?!!




yes to wolc
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
I may infact be Clow's evil twin separated at birth. LEFT IN THE ELEMENTS TO FEND FOR MY OWN. But the life of a loner has made me strong in the ways of Toribash.......and other things less conspicuous. That in no shape or form have to do with polar bear feces. Why would you bring that up. I require aid to strike vengeance upon my favored brother Clow of the C3 tribe. SO I MUST JOIN YOUR RANKS TO OVER THROW MY BROTHER!
Originally Posted by Wolc View Post
I may infact be Clow's evil twin separated at birth. LEFT IN THE ELEMENTS TO FEND FOR MY OWN. But the life of a loner has made me strong in the ways of Toribash.......and other things less conspicuous. That in no shape or form have to do with polar bear feces. Why would you bring that up. I require aid to strike vengeance upon my favored brother Clow of the C3 tribe. SO I MUST JOIN YOUR RANKS TO OVER THROW MY BROTHER!

You're REALLY gay
Originally Posted by kt700 View Post
You're REALLY gay

You dare insult me in daylight to mine face? EN GUARD!
Originally Posted by Wolc View Post
You dare insult me in daylight to mine face? EN GUARD!

Reading your posts burn my eyes.
Originally Posted by kt700 View Post
Reading your posts burn my eyes.

The Light of Justice will always smite evil scourge such as thyself. With me at C3's side we shall be a force to be reckoned with! Casting aside knaves such as this kt700 character. WITH ME MY MEN AT ARMS WE SHALL FIGHT FOR THE REALM! FOR NARNIA!!!!!!!