if you weren't out-right refused, then just wait
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
So yeah, hi again guys. If some of you guys noticed that i had a name change... i think you guys did... anyways, i was just wondering, what if you guys put me in trial? Do you guys use that? Because the process takes so long i just had idea. I mean you guys could just kick me out if i'm not the best fit...
What you guys say?
"raawr says the dinosaur right?"
@hunter, we've considered a trial type thing before but it never really made it through. We lost two of our most active players so chances are things are just going to idle here for a while because no one is really doing anything. If you wish to pursue another clan we dont want to keep you waiting

@SubZ3: Alright.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
@hunter, we've considered a trial type thing before but it never really made it through. We lost two of our most active players so chances are things are just going to idle here for a while because no one is really doing anything. If you wish to pursue another clan we dont want to keep you waiting

That's sad because those two left.. At least i think i could bring the activity back up a little bit than it normally now would. I know that it isn't much but maybe enough to not letting this clan die. I really couldn't want to see Jolly Roger die(i know that i haven't been part of this clan anyhow before but this have been my top favorite clan since i joined, i think i didn't ever even had a chance to join this clan) I would promise that i never leave this clan 'til it dies(hopefully never) And no, there ain't any other clans that i would be interested in. Only this.
"raawr says the dinosaur right?"
Mods: I'm an active member of the Order of Taekkyon, as it is my favorite, but I do play other mods, such as Wushu, Aikido, and a little judo here and there.
Belt: 7th dan, 150 ish matches from 8th dan.
Reason: I've been here for most of the clans lifetime, had a chance to play against some of it's members, such as Aj. You guys are always fun and respectful towards individuals, and I would like to be a part of it.
Past Clans: Momentum, Pain, Inner Calm Outer Fury.
Left Because: Died, died, and died.
Previous Accounts: Sambaflip(forgot password, and it was lost to the sands of time)
Qi purchases: None.
Account purchases: None.
Infractions: 2 in the same post back in May of '09. Blatant spam, and useless post.
Timezone: GMT -5
Age: 19
Forum activity:Decent. (Visit the forums at least three times daily.)
In game activity: Multiple hours per day.
Vouchers: None currently.
Skills: Getting into texture making. A little fresh, so not the greatest at it yet.
About Me: My name is Kevin, I live in the United States, more specifically, Ohio. I graduated a Year ahead of my class In highschool back in '13. On February 20th, 2008. I created this account at age 13 having lost the password to my original, I never thought personally it would last this long. I've had moments where I would stop playing Toribash for months, even years. but this game always draws me back. I'm an all-around fun guy, who loves gaming as a whole, who is great at being a friend, and an all around nice person. Even if I get denied, If you ever personally want to talk to me, are going through a rough time and need advice, or just want to chill, let me know, and we can chat, I essentially have an open door policy, so I'm always free...Except for when I am working, which is 11:00 PM - 7:30 AM, Tuesday - Saturday.
Last edited by Hans; Aug 4, 2015 at 10:14 AM.
You are now in discussion.
Would advise you to pester members enough until they join you in-game.
Feel free to join in with the discussion thread to get to know us more.
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
CLANS: I was in Z68 before but I left because I want a clan that works together
BELT:4rth Dan
REASON: I want to join jolly roger so we can take a big step forward so we can work together I want to be a part of that
ACCOUNT: this is my only account
QI: I have never bought QI
MODS: Mushu BoxshuMushu Wushu ABD mostly Akaido and grey kido
thank u I hop u invite me
Since Hisoka's gone, I guess I'll do this :c (foreverinourhearts)
Originally Posted by Ninja96534 View Post
CLANS: I was in Z68 before but I left because I want a clan that works together
BELT:4rth Dan
REASON: I want to join jolly roger so we can take a big step forward so we can work together I want to be a part of that
ACCOUNT: this is my only account
QI: I have never bought QI
MODS: Mushu BoxshuMushu Wushu ABD mostly Akaido and grey kido
thank u I hop u invite me

Hi, please tell us more about your self. The questions in the first post are more of a guideline of what we want to see in your app, not a blue print. I'd suggest looking through the thread and taking note of the apps that we've openly admitted to liking or have put under consideration.

Take this as a no until we see a more appropriate and interesting app.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.