I decided to create very detailed set ...something similiar to Iron Man suit i hope i sell it expensive when i done with it. Here are legs:
Girls Power
Wow, keep going.
I want to see it finished, for what i've seen so far that would be a 100k+ set.
Just remember to make the head the most detailed possible.
Do you really think you're in control
That set is pretty awesome, but what happened to the other one? I wanted ittttt D:
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
i deleted it cause i doesnt have any idea with creation. But this one i hope will be cool i need at least 25k tc for get full 128x128 texures on my tori...
Girls Power
Originally Posted by Ulus View Post
i deleted it cause i doesnt have any idea with creation. But this one i hope will be cool i need at least 25k tc for get full 128x128 texures on my tori...

U dont need full 128 to make textures
^ toxico but she mite want to were a set some time in her toribash life XD.

And great work looking good.

(Btw are you a guy or a girl Ulus?)
but it helps, at least. Being able to put the om and check, take pics, etc.
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Ulus is a girl.
And also, if we get enough money from this Texture shop we migth get a rendered image of all our toris.
Still have to discuss this with demon and my friend that makes the images.
Does anyone on the clan do rendered images?
Do you really think you're in control
Rendered image of your tori?
How hard could that be to make?
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Yeah cheer what was i thinking, this is super easy to do...
Its not going to be with this theme,it must be something sexy

Do you really think you're in control