congrats soap, nice to know you work for the man now


teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
That's okay.
We'll just steal all of his items while he's sleeping.
Hold them hostage and demand Bill Nye the Science Guy's bowtie.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
cool story kind of: bill nye did a lecture at my college and I was in the second row, basking in his glory. he was a pretty righteous dude, signed my friend's VHS tape.
bananananananananaananananananannanaa delicious
wow that's amazing can i touch u
I sell TC and I give loans. PM me for info.
Need help with market? PM Ryan
<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.