That he is.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Name: Adriel
Age: 14

I chose this clan for me it interece apartir have met some members and found that that clan and very well attended, also like the way they treated me to talk to them, and would love to join this clan. That's it. ^ ^
Name: Adriel
Age: 14

I chose this clan for me it interest from have met some members and found that that clan and very well attended, also like the way they treated me to talk to them, and would love to join this clan. That's it. ^ ^
Last edited by Adriel159; Jun 3, 2011 at 09:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
If you really want to join you would of taken time not just thrown something together in a minute.
Toriprime/VIP local moderator | Colon 3 | 4th dan
<3 Cide | Glow | Jarmund | ishi | satiknee | Wiggi | Fish | pal <3
[19:12] <&MrManiac> I kept pooping in my pants
I say YES , because i saw him ingame.
He is a cool person and a talented player.
Well his app is small but he is still a good player.

Last edited by YanokUn; Jun 3, 2011 at 09:59 PM.
You'll be notified via PM.

Originally Posted by Adriel159 View Post
Name: Adriel
Age: 14

I chose this clan for me it interece apartir have met some members and found that that clan and very well attended, also like the way they treated me to talk to them, and would love to join this clan. That's it. ^ ^
Name: Adriel
Age: 14

I chose this clan for me it interest from have met some members and found that that clan and very well attended, also like the way they treated me to talk to them, and would love to join this clan. That's it. ^ ^

Not only have you posted a very small application but you wrote it twice with a few minor changes.. That's pretty low. I suggest you make a larger application with more information about yourself and why you'd choose this clan (in proper english), Or you can use this mistake for future reference when applying for any other clan but this one. I'm sure you're a nice guy, but this application doesn't suggest anything about you other than you don't really care about us enjoying reading your application and that you're english is terrible. If your english is terrible please state why within your application.

Therefore, no.
Originally Posted by Shtein View Post
Im not interested to join anymore, if people like you stays here.
Who you think you are? :S

Oh, and also, im spanish , thats why i dont speak english very well, idiot.

Bye bye.


Originally Posted by Cole View Post
Lastgod this isn't a dictatorship. You don't have to insult him and interrogate him..

It's a way to weed out the people who want out the moment they hit something that seems annoying. And I criticize applications. It's part of a criticism.

Originally Posted by Glow View Post
A good way to weed out people is to see if they have the smarts to realize that

1. LastGod doesn't have the final say.

2. We all have people that criticize us.

3. We know they can take a little shit in life and not fuss about it.

If we have someone so eager to give up because of one "mean guy", what makes us wanna accept him if he just decides he doesnt really wanna be in C3 because of another "mean guy"?

^ That.
Basically, if applicants are intimidated by me/my responses to the point that they withdraw their application, they aren't the type of person we want in C3.

Originally Posted by Shtein View Post
I want to be in C3. But , stop interrogating me..
And Calling me "mediocre".. Wtf.
I never insulted him.
And he answered in inappropiate mode.
I only wanted a "Yes" or a "No".

Read the above few quotes. :3
You never insulted me. It's just something I do when I see applications.

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
okay I have a real application

I'm Thorn and I want to be in C3

Awesome. You're in. >.>

Originally Posted by Adriel159 View Post
Name: Adriel
Age: 14

I chose this clan for me it interece apartir have met some members and found that that clan and very well attended, also like the way they treated me to talk to them, and would love to join this clan. That's it. ^ ^
Name: Adriel
Age: 14

I chose this clan for me it interest from have met some members and found that that clan and very well attended, also like the way they treated me to talk to them, and would love to join this clan. That's it. ^ ^

You posted an application TWICE instead of editing the original to fix the mistake... You have less than 50 words each of them. Also, I don't see a reason why we should accept you.

Originally Posted by Shtein View Post
I still confused, im out?

Wait for the final response. You'll be getting a private message regarding that later.
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