A 1.0 w/l ratio means you have 1 win for every 1 loss.

It's wins divided by losses.

A .8 could be 8 wins/10 losses, 16 wins/20 losses etc etc

Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
A 1.0 w/l ratio means you have 1 win for every 1 loss.

It's wins divided by losses.

A .8 could be 8 wins/10 losses, 16 wins/20 losses etc etc


1.0 w/l ratio means, you have 1 win, for every 0 loss. (1:0). You are thinking of a 1:1 ratio, 1 win for 1 loss.
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Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
1.0 w/l ratio means, you have 1 win, for every 0 loss. (1:0). You are thinking of a 1:1 ratio, 1 win for 1 loss.

You can't divide by 0. Christ you are dumb.

It's not based on total games played, it's based on Wins/Losses

(Hint: The blackslash (/) means divided by, even in the Name W/L ratio)

Lol honestly, get some math lessons.

On the other hand, are the lolbase stats updated? I've got a feeling they're at least a bit outdated and I'm not sure if we should really take them into consideration that much.

btw. when talking about tristana's low w/l ratio, it's probably because of her being free on facebook. Free champion = newbs play it = they fail miserably.

And to be honest I've considered tristana utter shit until I've reached 30th lvl, it was the cap for tristana even starting to be any useful.

you make no sense at all.
Last edited by JtanK; Jul 3, 2011 at 12:03 AM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
I know, you cannot divide by 0. G.G.

But you think, that 1.0 = 1 win for 1 loss. That is wrong.
Thats 1 win. Over 0 losses.
1 : 0

Where as 1:1 = 1 Win for a loss.
1 : 1

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
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Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Lol honestly, get some math lessons.

On the other hand, are the lolbase stats updated? I've got a feeling they're at least a bit outdated and I'm not sure if we should really take them into consideration that much.

btw. when talking about tristana's low w/l ratio, it's probably because of her being free on facebook. Free champion = newbs play it = they fail miserably.

And to be honest I've considered tristana utter shit until I've reached 30th lvl, it was the cap for tristana even starting to be any useful.

I was thinking about that, because I am confused as to how Corki has such a low W/L ratio, but it's a possibility

Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
I know, you cannot divide by 0. G.G.

But you think, that 1.0 = 1 win for 1 loss. That is wrong.
Thats 1 win. Over 0 losses.
1 : 0

Where as 1:1 = 1 Win for a loss.
1 : 1

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Think about it like this.
Using the math WE provide, you CAN go over 1.0 WL ratio (I.E. Why warwick has a 1.2 W/L ratio)

Using YOUR math; however, we cannot. You cannot explain why warwick has a 1.2 W/L ratio, but we can.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Since you are so dumb, I'm going to assume you play Call of Duty (lololo)

Let's chance the Win/loss ratio to a kill/death ratio.

Let's say your K/D is 2.0 (and most FPS players have K/D ratios greater than 1.0, which disproves your theory)

Now what does that mean? That means you have 2 kills for every death. (2 divided by 1 == 2)

You think that it's a percentage directly related to the amount of games played. It's not. I see where you are coming from in the 1 - 0 business, but you simply cant have a ratio from 1 game, because you cant divide by 0. The point is, you're wrong on many levels and I really hope to never play a league of legends match with you ever

And if you are right (which you arent). Explain to me WW's w/l ratio of 1.2
Last edited by Megadoomer; Jul 3, 2011 at 12:07 AM.
LoL...I suck at it. I always's frustrating, yet addicting.
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[19:12] <&MrManiac> I kept pooping in my pants
Alright. Maybe I lost this one. But i'm going to blame it on the fact. That, Ratios are normaly measured with the : symbol. Not 1.0...etc.

So, yeah. You win this one, I guess.


But honestly, keep the flaming down. Not once did I call names into this argument, yet you "have" to. So, continue being a keyboard warrior, over an argument.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Even if it was with the : symbol.

Lets say you have 1 win and 2 losses.

That's 1 : 2 yes?

That's also 1/2. And 1 divided by 2 is .5

You have a .5 w/l ratio. Fractions are fun