waifu goes leona

Originally Posted by sparchar

oh gandhi

i've had worse. I had 7/14 laning against fizz :C
Originally Posted by Skizzify View Post
So, since the trailer for Aurelion Sol, formerly known as Ao Shin has been released, I've been thinking "Does this mean Spirit Guard Udyr is canon?".

Hear me out. When Spirit Guard Udyr came out a couple years back there was a comic featuring the skin's lore. In that comic towards the end we see Ao Shin popping out of a huge crater about to battle Spirit Guard Udyr. Since Ao Shin, or Aurelion Sol is a real thing does this also mean SGU is a real thing?

What do you guys think?

Ao Shin is just a trending hoax. I don't think he'll be released, but i've seen that "Gaming Curios" guy's video where spirit guard udyr seemed to face an abyss where Ao Shin popped out.

Also at first i thought the beast beast hunters Tryndamere, Draven, and Sejuani was Ao Shin in the splash. I thought wrong.
Originally Posted by Chris View Post

fuk nvm
Last edited by Lust; Mar 6, 2016 at 05:04 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

graves was too good, always alone, threw that game.

Edit: same story, again, jhin this time, zero dmg to yi, even though I taunted him pretty much every single teamfight
Last edited by Powas; Mar 7, 2016 at 12:00 AM.
Originally Posted by Powas View Post

graves was too good, always alone, threw that game.

Edit: same story, again, jhin this time, zero dmg to yi, even though I taunted him pretty much every single teamfight

The second you stop blaming your teammates you will improve.
"Summoners who follow the Summoner's Code win 25 % more of their games"


Originally Posted by Skizzify View Post
What I tell ya boi. So, does this mean SGU is a real thing in lore?

Most legendary skins have their own stories, ya? Like brolaf
Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
The second you stop blaming your teammates you will improve.

I see this statement as equivalent of 'you can't c&c if you're not an expert on topic X'. I realize my shortcomings, I do make shitloads of mistakes still, however, if someone lacks common sense, cannot follow simple instructions, flames and throws the game, I'm sure to blame such players and I doubt I'll ever change my perception of this. I differentiate between bad games and throws, get a brainlag and I'll call you out on it.
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
I see this statement as equivalent of 'you can't c&c if you're not an expert on topic X'. I realize my shortcomings, I do make shitloads of mistakes still, however, if someone lacks common sense, cannot follow simple instructions, flames and throws the game, I'm sure to blame such players and I doubt I'll ever change my perception of this. I differentiate between bad games and throws, get a brainlag and I'll call you out on it.

They are bad, because they're supposed to be, because they're low elo, they're supposed to be bad, you need to go into games having absolutely 0 expectations from your teammates, literally 0, they don't exist, they are low elo because they are bad and they deserve to be here, if you don't deserve to be here then you need to carry.
And I am an "expert" on the topic of soloq tilt and ladder climbing even though there really isn't anything difficult to understand

Obviously sometimes your team will int feed and you will get mad and tilt and that's okay, as long as 10 minutes after the game you realise you can't do anything about it, and try harder next game
Last edited by Kat; Mar 7, 2016 at 01:29 PM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Kat also gives expert tilt build advice. For example, the legendary Trinity Mallet Yasuo. That shit was amazing on Season 4.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
I see this statement as equivalent of 'you can't c&c if you're not an expert on topic X'. I realize my shortcomings, I do make shitloads of mistakes still, however, if someone lacks common sense, cannot follow simple instructions, flames and throws the game, I'm sure to blame such players and I doubt I'll ever change my perception of this. I differentiate between bad games and throws, get a brainlag and I'll call you out on it.

Every single person in the game shares that trait. All 10 of you lack common sense and make a ton of mistakes. They just usually happen to be different mistakes, and you're all too stupid to learn from yourselves and each other.

What do you gain from blaming people for losing you a game? Nothing. Even worse, you actually waste time and effort to think and do that. I know it's different for players of different levels, and I know Kat probably feels like this about every elo outside of like d1, but for me, bronze/silver/gold essentially feel like intermediate bots. I know I will win basically every game because it's pretty hard to lose against intermediate bots. It doesn't matter if my team is absolute garbage, because they aren't relevant and I expect them to be garbage anyways.

Your team is irrelevant and the enemy team is irrelevant. If you are good enough, you shouldn't lose.
You know, I was gonna type out my thoughts on how you should be climbing, but I'm not even gold yet soooo instead I'm going to link this video. This is a guide(jungle guide but I think it covers solo Q in general quite well) from cellybeary; a challenger lee sin main and I think he covers most of the points I or anyone else in this thread would bring up.

The one thing he doesn't mention which is something that helps me out, it making a game to game log. My format is:
Game# - Champion [Rank:LP](win/loss) ~ Notes(Overall Record)

This is inspired here by gbay99 and It has helped me out quite a bit. He had an older video mentioning it but I didn't feel like looking for it. All I did was add my overall record(since I started the log so if you start one today you start at 0-0 regardless of your solo Q record thus far)and I added my current Rank so I can see my progress.

link to cellybeary guide
link to gbay99 video
Last edited by Grim; Mar 8, 2016 at 01:55 AM.
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