View Poll Results: What mod(s) should we use for the tournament?
aikidobigdojo, greykido & rb_greykido
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Originally Posted by surf View Post
Hello there, I'm surf. I think I was in this org a couple of years ago but it doesn't seem like I am any more (I totally understand why, I've been inactive for a couple of years now). I'm 20 years old and I'm currently studying history at university. Outside of toribash my hobbies include, surfing, football, skateboarding and cycling. Toribash-wise I've been playing the game on/off since 2009, during that time I have mostly played aikido based mods. The tactical, chess-like nature of aikido has always appealed to me. It's taken me a little while to shake off my rustyness having not played the game for a year or two but I feel like I'm playing some pretty decent aikido at the moment.

Here's a batch of replays anyway, I'd love some advice on what I'm doing right/wrong if possible. These were all taken since i started playing again and all were in aikido/greykido/aikido7


The app is ok , the you do some risky moves in your replay < i like it , but , i can see the replays , your oponents dont know how to save to be sincery only one do the grab glicth but not saves the no kick the oponent let hi leg contrac to maximun < bad pose = Bad balance easy to slam , one of the replays its glitched and the suplex idk what i have to say so i will give to you a.. NO sorry dude.

Feel free to Search for aikido members in-game and let we test your skills ,
If you dont know what are the actual members go back and go to info so anyway i like a bit how do you play but i dont see the flow in you replays dude , one tip for you Try to relax almost 5-3 joints and try to save your self by staying on your foot , another tip its try to get the oponent body control a bit more in scale of 1-10 you had in my opinion a 7.5 , im not a Aikido Teacher but im experienced like all members of this org ... with nothing more to say < better words writte> wacht this replay and check the control i have of my oponent when his body are in the air.

Attached Files
Body control.rpl (60.3 KB, 7 views)
Jensons answer was too long.

I'll give you a borderline yes, if you want a big green yes with lots of hearts meet me ingame sometime or show me some smallkido or secret_smallaikido games, since I like those
Made by Fenris
[TA] Let's make a Guide
For Possessed's Guide... Post Shit here, try read so you Dont REPEAT SHIT...

Thank you<3
Made by Fenris
thanks muse.
Ok folks now I will need your help. I want you to tell me some of your aikido philosophy, why you love this mode so much, what are your aims while playing and how you feel while playing. I also want you to tell me eg your strategy while playing. Also tell me a move that you like doing BUT! tell me also how to counter it. For example I like suplexing you lower your body and then extend wrists and the opponent goes over you. You can counter it by doing a leg lock on your opponent and putting your weight on his legs so that he will dq with his back.

please in a format of:

1. Philosophy.
Possesed, do you still have all of the guides I gave you a while back?

If not let me know and I'll shift them over via PM
Let's start it from the basics? :v

1. Philosophy: In aikido.tbm you aren't invincible, you're not the best (however is your rank or ratio), you're not the "top guy", there will be always that blue belt that is developing his own style, and however his style is still in its primary stages, he will win you, because your style simply do not work on him. In aikido.tbm you must open your mind for any kind of improvisation (even those that you will dm yourself to open a bridge to a "breaking balance" and a possible win). For philosophy, I think that Bruce Lee would be one of the best players because in aikido.tbm you must "empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. A water can flow, or can crash" - Bruce Lee. :v

2. Playing/Moves/Tricks: As I've already said, you must be prepared to change your "style"/"kind of moves" to win your opponent. This seems to be hard, but you must train for it. You must follow the five basics to fight aikido:
I) Balance: The balance is the most important thing in aikido. If you lose your balance, any movement from your opponent will dq you. Balance, in definition, is a state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces. BUT all the toris are equal, all they have the same weight, if everybody cancel the forces by equal opposition forces, it won't be a fight, it won't be moves. You must remember that the breaking balance can't be in you. You want to win. You must break the opponent balance by applying forces to directions where he couldn't make a base.
II) Base: The base is the main "technique" that will maintain your balance. You can make your base using your both feet, your both hands, a hand and a foot, both foot and a hand, both hand and a foot, and finally both hands and feet on the floor. The kind of base will depend on the fight stage, they're situational, and they must grant you far from dq. The base is the relationship between you and the ground.
III) Dojo domain: It's useless to have a good base if you don't know where you're stepping. The tip is: Stay always in the center of the dojo unless you start a move to win.
IV) Grab: The grab is one important skill in aikido too. With a grab you can control your opponent, you can dm, you can make a different base (by using your opponent to make a base, like if he was the floor, putting a lot of pressure on him and immobilizing him), you can flip yourself to escape from a hard situation, etc. It's important to realize where is important to have the grab domain, and when is important to ungrab. To ungrab has the same importance of grabbing. The best grabs are those that frac or immobilize an articulation, and allow you to have a good control of the opponent balance. Fight for this kind of grab.
V) Force: As I've already said, all the toris have the same size, the same weight and the same strength too. They're EQUAL. "So, what to do to produces force?" Simply, and literally, you have to get it off from the ground. :v The ground will help you when the task is "produce force" because you can use the reaction force to make upward forces, and then redirect the vectors to where you want. It's because of it that the lifts are famous in aikido (and it's because of it that the "pro" like to stay low), because it's not hard to do them, and when you lift, you removes the "strength" of your opponent. But it's not hard to counter a lift too, you can use the impulse of your opponent when he lifts you to lifts him too, even if you're in midair, just pull him up if you can. If you don't lift him, you'll remove a sort of strength from him.
Remember that you really don't need to use all of your "ground force" and be straight lifting your opponent. You can just subtly do a little and quickly upward force to "remove" a part of it "ground force" and make weak any kind of counter trying.
The Force will come from the momentum force too. You can combine breaking the opponent balance + base + grab + the "ground force" to make an absolutely powerfull momentum force in a move.

There's a lot of other things to talk about these 5 aspects and the philosophy. I'm sure that you'll help to complete. :v
Last edited by iver; May 24, 2014 at 09:36 PM.
Thanks chris for the text I will include it of course.
Also when I have collected enough data I will probably ask from replay making organisations and art making organisations to 1st make some replays required and from the art some graphical representations of the forces that are used.
1. Philosophy: The Aikido.tbm and sub mods are strategy based mods , like in all mods the objetive is win , but , this is a diferent game mode cause you have to use your own mind to make a move and your own style , you can play only for look with flow ( relaxing the big part of joins and holding some ) to play in the defence ( block all attacks , evade kicks /stop) we have diferent styles , a relaxed player , a holded player , holded defence player/relaxed , holded attack player /relaxed , the main base of aikido is try to dq you oponent , stay alive is not the best way to win an aikido match and no one are the best you can be a brown belt with a relaxed style and you defeat a custom belt because he play too much holded and you aproach it and most important be creative , you can fight for defence only saving yourself or you can do that and fight to the risk ( stay close on the ground) or play tricking in the air , basicaly you need balance , flow , and a good mind about all the enviroment of the match , skills in aikido is how much creative is the player during a match , you can win , you can lose , but never , forgot you are playing for fun and with that you can become one of the best in aikido all is possible dont forgot it !


2.1 Control of your body : In aikido the best way to get a good balance and go longer in match is the balance the best way in my opinion is practice in sigle player or play vs uke if you have a high belt and you sound like > Im a pro i dont need practice vs uke too easy for me < no, try new ways to keep your balance and for dont lose it get a good pose like the horse stance and never let go the floor( if you are in the air try to get on the floor again or the oponent have the control of you) .

2.2 How to break oponent balance :

For break the balance of the oponent try to get close on the floor and hit the shin`s when they are in move , that will interrupt the move and more casual the oponent will get in the air giving to you the control in the dojo.

2.3 Saving : The basic mod Aikido.tbm have this diferent cases of saves and is the second most important thing at aikido and you can save with the foots and your hands inside the dojo or forcing your oponent go with you

2.3.1 Midle Dojo saves: The midle dojo saves are rare mostly by miss clicks in your shoulders and knees and you have to save staying close on the floor and making horse stance or get a slam pose instead.

2.3.2 Force Oponent Dq in the Midle Dojo Saves: for this try a slam by combining chest elbows shoulders and wristo to force the oponent dq aproaching him are close of the ground with no balance and bad pose.

2.4 Saving close to the limits of the dojo: In this case you can do a loot of move like raise/relaxing/lowerinf/holding> shouders , ankles , wrists , elbows ,knees,hips and changing rotation of the lumbar , pecs , abs , chest or contracting/extending your neck for get more chance to save or save.

2.4.1 Dq oponent in the limits of the dojo: For this you have to know the oponent body control and you can do this by pushing a bit more the body and making dq by himself or force/block the joints of the oponent disabling the move < you can do this with "perfect grabs" or using you body for stop or you can put your weight for make more hard the save.

2.5 Outside dojo saves: this case appear in when you get shoveled or lifted outside the dojo , for save and counter this you have to know:

A: Body Control

B: Oponent body control

C: Air Tricking

D: Be creative

When you know this you have more easy get in the dojo again or force oponent go with you in the air and start controlling him for dq and remember he can slam in any turn and try to make a creative move to stop slam and trick in the air.

2.5.1 Dq oponent outside the dojo : For this you have to know:

A: Body Control.

B: Oponent Body Control.

C: Have a Good Pose.

For Dq oponent out side the dojo without shoveling or lifting you have to keep a good grip in the floor and keep a good pose and a good control of you and your oponent trying to making he say in the air without aking nothing or slaming him to block the comeback in the dojo.

The ways for save and interrupt/block they are Explained.

2.6 : Oponent Body Control: This is a "Advanced" step in the aikido world you ahev to know the basics of aikido (saving/counter/stop/block and Styles)so now you have to know how to control your oponent making his moves useless , for this you have to view people fights and check what are doing , whit the time you can make this skill more advanced and do things like slaming/dq/forcing an oponent this skill or step need to have a loot of creativity for make:

A: Good Pose

B: Good Control

C: High Defence (anticounters)

D: Absolute Control

E: High Attack Skills

This is a skill completed by the time and experience you dont need a toturial upgrade this, only time and experience is needed.

2.6.1 Avoid the oponent control you: You can do this wiht time and experience and the aikido basics learned.

2.7 :Air tricking: for this you need Time and experience but you have to know how to play relaxed and you will know how trick in the air.

2.7.1:Stop air tricking: you only need to know how to stay balanced and how to force oponent joints.

Extra(E) Tricks

(E).1 Grabs: the grabs can be perfect by hitting in the exact pose of a joint blocking the move of them and this is necessary for all in basics and advanced things in aikido use the grabs to "troll" your oponent aking an advanced move.

(E).2 Kicking/Punchingthe kicks and punchs are needed to break some moves like hit shins for stop a move/trick or punch chest for interrupt and rotation change or a pec contracting.

Now you know aikido basics , practice a loot and you will become a good Aikido player and make your own custom moves but never forget this is a game enjoy it and play good with all others be a sportman say Gg when you lose or win all people have respect for that and remeber ... MAKE YOUR OWN STYLE :D