Zed is totally freelo in ranked at the moment.
Since everyone is focusing on banning Kog, Fiora, Malph, etc.
When he is open, just pick him.

I was laning versus Olaf at toplane, Mocucha and I swapped and he litterally trashed early leblanc.

Fun shit, i had the largest killing spree, 8 kill without being shutdown. Legendary at the end of the game xD

French Player, Old member of OFRO
Those are some interesting builds

Ghostblade and Duskblade are pretty good on Zed from what I've heard...

Also Death's Dance is awful on like everyone never buy it unless you are challenger KR Riven
I really enjoy Ghostblade on Zed, that allow to snowball pretty fast if you already got some early kills.

But since i was laning versus olaf i didnt feel comfy enough to rush a ghostblade.

Also, from my personnal experience, duskblade isnt that strong on zed, it's better on talon than Zed.

Death dance is pretty good with a malmortius (and the BT that was coming), it allowed me to sustain in fight versus Olaf , or to handle Leblanc burst.

I could literally one shot Leblanc or Cayt (Btw i forced cayt to rush a QSS because she was dying only with my Ult + E Q).

Edit : Also tahm build ROFL.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Death's Dance is legit garbage on that champ, buy cleaver or a sterak's later if you're really concerned about survivability

Also idk what you're on but Duskblade was legit made for Zed and is super good on him
I'm with lane here, a combo with zed and that item makes anything squishy your absolute bitch. Ult > e > q > auto then jump back to r or w if you used it to get in. Your ult does damage off damage dealt, pips his health down, if that doesn't kill him, duskblade chunks the rest away with missing up. If they die npnp, the item CD is reset lol
Passive + Duskblade + combo = I thought I was a tank?
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
You literally have to have both if you want to survive against a good Zed. And he doesn't have to have his ult to do damage. I think I've watched enough of Redmercy and Bjergsen's streams as well as gotten lvl 5 mastery on him to know what I'm talking about here.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Sparchar has played enough bronze games to know what he's talkin about guys!

forgive me
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