Originally Posted by Stonda2b View Post
Little update from my situation : Still no phone, hopefully will have one in a month or two but until then , I'll still be inactive , sorry guys

No problem;) ty for the feedback
Originally Posted by Vanish View Post
Yoda, feel free to post here whenever you'd like. And as trestet said, We are friendly.

okay, thank you!
Originally Posted by Mafia View Post
Hi Yoda, I bite

fine, bite me :3
Ehh, this got a bit out of hand, lets get back to normal topics

Lets say .. hmm whats your opinion living in space? This includes all the universes, planets, moons, etc.

Originally Posted by Trestet View Post
Ehh, this got a bit out of hand, lets get back to normal topics

Lets say .. hmm whats your opinion living in space? This includes all the universes, planets, moons, etc.

Maybe but i better like my home.
Originally Posted by Trestet View Post
Ehh, this got a bit out of hand, lets get back to normal topics

Lets say .. hmm whats your opinion living in space? This includes all the universes, planets, moons, etc.

You talking about finding other planets that are suitable for humans to live on?
Dude i’d kill for that xD
I hate science in general but when its about why we can’t live on any other planet or anything else in space it just catches my interest.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
Well, to be honest .. the time will come soon when we would have to leave the Earth, either because of Energy dropoff, or some other bizare reason of the same type. Maybe we wont be alive to live during these times, but they really are coming close.
So finding alternative planets should really happen soon in my opinion. I know there are already possibilities to live on Mars and on the Moon, but only in words, they should make it in reality.

My would have to be dark chocolate .. I know most ppl hate the dark chocolate flavor, but its my favorite.
Please dont call me oldie .. most of my real life friends call me that when I eat dark chocolate .. they think its only for old ppl.

Originally Posted by Trestet View Post
Well, to be honest .. the time will come soon when we would have to leave the Earth, either because of Energy dropoff, or some other bizare reason of the same type. Maybe we wont be alive to live during these times, but they really are coming close.
So finding alternative planets should really happen soon in my opinion. I know there are already possibilities to live on Mars and on the Moon, but only in words, they should make it in reality.

As little as I know about this stuff scientifically. It really doesn't seem possible to me, thinking about it logically.
It's not only about this ONE THING we need to live
We are pretty needy creatures
Earth is pretty much art, it's so complicated and so carefully set up.
Distance from the sun to earth to the moon and all that.
How the sun's energy and water go into > plants > herbivores > omnivores and carnivores. and how the level of everything is so perfect so species don't go extinct due to a higher number of predators ( unless humans get involved, we fuck everything up )
It's hard to believe something else like this exists.
Even though it might sound like a fantasy, but I think IF there are any living creatures in space, they would probably be in forms we wouldn't even recognize like gas or something else.
Originally Posted by Corruption View Post
Hello everyone. Topic of the day: what is your favorite ice cream? My one is Oreo flavor.

Mine's Milk I make them misalf!
Last edited by Mafi; Nov 9, 2017 at 11:54 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.