new start !!!
i want to be the new leader of MFR and i can stay the clan alive and make it best please panatakis put me of leader thanks..
did u not see the thread i maid right under neth urs??
u are a leader right now but please post there in the thread thats [MFR] New Start...
I'm not committed to ToriBash... I'm committed to the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE...
i'm trying to get ahold of pana right now.. and see how we are goin to become Moderators so we can edit our clan and clean it up..ok? when he doe's that we will be able to do some clean up work.. cool?
I'm not committed to ToriBash... I'm committed to the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE...
lol i'm way ahead of u bro.. i pm him too way before u did..
so i geuss we're both waiting for his reply..
I'm not committed to ToriBash... I'm committed to the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE...
Oi oi i am soki123 one of the clans most loyal members as crazy or pan said my real belt is 3rd dan so dont kick me out
Hey Angel You Duh Sexy
Just Chill