Originally Posted by chrys96 View Post
alguém tem um totorial pra faze textures no gimp? '-'

Tem varios tutoriais por ai man.
procura no youtube, google, etc.
No-Mercy Warrior | UBPT | 5th Dan
lel fico legal.. bom mesmo... primeiro set que falam que é um ninja, e é um ninja mesmo.

só não entendi os pelos... na perna... mesmo assim.. animal gratz.'-'

pessoar que seis acha desse avatar?

faz tempo que não faço avvys perdi exp.

eee, versão recolorida do set que fiz..

e valew allen pelo comment =D
Last edited by Supernada; Jul 21, 2010 at 03:51 AM.
nao mesmo
vou guardar para isso tbm
criei um item.dat para as fotos
tah melhor assim
Last edited by dengue; Jul 21, 2010 at 04:25 AM.
Dengue, seu melhor trabalho cara D:
Sério, 10/10.
Posta o link da thread? :c

E, o que acham? Pra competição, etc...
Last edited by XPaD; Jul 21, 2010 at 07:19 PM.
Originally Posted by JinxZ View Post

Welcome textures and artists, in the past few weeks AlphasoniK and I have been sponsoring a triad of events where you could test your abilities in specific areas of texturing. It's time to finally end this Triathlon with the last event, PWN Yourself. In this event you'll have to show us how much you've improved at texturing; you'll have to re-create - or better yet overhaul - a Headtexture that you've made in the past.

  • You must post both the before, and after flats of your selected head (We suggest adding a watermark to both heads)
  • Only one entry allowed per person
  • Headtexture must be made for this event
  • Maximum resolution is 512x
  • Feel free to do whatever you want to with the heads after you present them.
  • Ends in two weeks! (July 26)

Your entries will be judged by AlphasoniK and myself, we also have a specialist judge for PWN Yourself: DarkJak!

We'll be looking at Overall Quality and Improvement when we judge. Also note that if you chose to improve on a Great Headtexture, we'll take that into consideration too.

1st Place: 80k
2nd Place: 40k
3rd Place: 10k

Have Fun!

Note: This event was inspired by DeviantArt's Kick Your Own @ss Contest. If you feel like you're not really sure what to do for this event, check out the original entries from DeviantArt! {Link}

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