ok, i don't mind.

gais, gais,
u gais.

what's the first thing to cross your mind when i say 'stick'?
Like a lie
I used to think you guys were being unreasonably mean to him until he said this:

Originally Posted by Ninjakid57 View Post
...Hao am I not? I use "Hao" to follow along with the clan, that's kinda cool.

>implying saying "hao" will make your chances higher
anyways, you get in our clan by writing an application in our recruiting thread, link to which is provided in the very first post.
You then are evaluated and possibly accepted as a test kinda thing.
After you've proven yourself you're being considered as a normal nao member.
But you didn't bother to check the first post at all... Also it's written there that if you post here regarding joining our clan.... Well, let's say that a 50 years old pedo with no arms and a brain of an octopus would have better chances now. Oh, and that person would like mlp aswell...

So, you can still try to apply, however, the chances are rather low due to your remarkably silly behaviour

anyways, howarya gais?

Edit: damn you ninjas -.-'
saeq: my tiny willy
hush: that's what he gets for not even doing any research. And by research I mean checking the first page of our clan...
And I'm 20 minutes late for that shit.
Am an dumb ;-;
Last edited by Arthur; Dec 23, 2012 at 08:01 AM.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by hushpupp1e View Post
Y u gotta be hatin' on bronies like that, man?

Cheer up, react well to it, give in to it. You know you hate em'.
Originally Posted by Sage View Post
what's the first thing to cross your mind when i say 'stick'?

Dogs or trees. Yeah.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Hush, in this particular situation I did not hate on bronies. I just thought of someone I really wouldn't like to have in the clan....
And it's as a whole. Not only that brony part.
Either way, stupidity is worse than simply being a brony.
Though, quite often have I noticed that these so-called "bronies" are not all that competent in whatever they're doing. Thus, it leads to a particular deduction... which is not too pleasant to people that like ponies. Not saying that you're dumb or anything.
Just an observation in general...
There are plenty of those guys in my university, so yeah.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by arturs
my tiny willy

woooo!! pedo baer has tiny willy!!1!!11

also, stlop with the mlp or brony stuff pls,they aren't nice to talk about because asdfghjkl
Like a lie
Originally Posted by Sage View Post
ok, i don't mind.

gais, gais,
u gais.

what's the first thing to cross your mind when i say 'stick'?

Pogo stick.
Faggot, now you got me wanting to get one .-.
Oh, how I hate you right now.
i've never been able to properly use one.
max of about 3 bounces and then i lose my balance :/
Like a lie
Originally Posted by Sage View Post
gais, gais,
u gais.

what's the first thing to cross your mind when i say 'stick'?

( ˘ ³˘)