
For anyone who wants this, it's open to anyone.

on another note, p3 baby yee ha
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

The question, should I play ranked, or should I just chill with my friends.
Maining adc is a lot easier when you're premade with your supp

Originally Posted by Powas View Post
first game as anivia, pretty much support since I had no lane with fiddle ganks but eh, at least I didn't feed

I wouldn't reccomend rylais, it's a bit redundant on anivia and zhonya or liandry's gives more utility.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
I swear I've made like 5 posts about this.

They're not actually silver 1. You're not actually gold 1. They're previous plats like you who happened to get placed lower but their MMR is still plat. Even though ranks were reset MMR remained

It's too early in the season for divisions and mmr to have equalized across all players since most people haven't played enough

I'm currently "Plat 5" despite every game having Diamond borders across both sides, and that's cause my rank reset but MMR remained Diamond 5 and I haven't played enough to reach the division that mirrors my MMR, hence the +30lp wins and -14lp losses