Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Evaluate the situation.

Stuff to weigh (+ means go in, - means piss off):
+ the enemy is low
+ early in the game
+ you have an execute (lee sin q, elise q, nidalee q, etc.)
+ your team is alive/outnumber the enemy
+ 5th dragon for either side
- late in the game
- lack of execute against an execute
- last man standing
- 2nd or 4th dragon
- you have buffs

Oracle said it perfectly. But you forgot about the stupid Kalista's rend that stupid skill.

I just noticed that someone made an organisation for Dota 2, it has a good amount of member and it's going strong. It would be great if someone made one for League of Legends, I would myself but I'm scared no one will join or I'll mess it up.
Last edited by 16bars; Feb 8, 2016 at 02:40 PM.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
That's a really cool video of bugs that were supposed to get removed a long time ago.

Try it yourself. It isn't intended to work like that. Google it, there's multiple redposts from the old forums confirming it.

Yeah, but it's still there. So like... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Might as well make use of the knowledge rather than dismiss it as a bug and ignore it. Tilt some mofuckers as Vayne when you tumble right out of a game winning Yas ult.
Preposterously dank.
Originally Posted by Retro View Post
Grats. Did my placements, ended up 4-6, and ultimately got fucked over and placed in B4. Reached Promos once, lost 'em 1-2. Bronze feels pretty bad, not gonna lie. Haven't found many bots or scripters though, mostly just uncooperative players that end up dragging the team to hell with 'em.

i was g5 before season ended and did 4/6 in my placements
got silver IV
You know I thought I hated LoL because it's bad for your emotional health sometimes, but it does not compare to Brawlhalla. Fuck that game. I'm back to League.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Bought jhin, really fun to play, too bad he's banned 9 games out of 10.
After fucking up my first promo I'm stuck in the middle of bronze 1, at 50-60 points.
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Bought jhin, really fun to play, too bad he's banned 9 games out of 10.
After fucking up my first promo I'm stuck in the middle of bronze 1, at 50-60 points.

Bronze 1 is the easiest division of Bronze for some reason. I doubt you'll stay Bronze for long.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Been stuck in gold 3 for a painful amount of time. Every game for 4 games in a row now I've gotten someone that either gets camped because they never ward and then tilt off the face of the earth, or do well in lane and then absolutely refuse to group, using TP to get back into lane and push faster leaving us at a 4v5 for literally the entire mid/late game.
Preposterously dank.
Originally Posted by Chab View Post
powas, if you're in eune maybe we could play

go ahead and add me, nick's, surprise surprise, Powas. Just have in mind that I'm pretty terrible :^)