Got placed bronze 3 from being gold cuz I did shit in placements. Played for the first time last night and got bronze 1 in 6 games. 8 kda and 3-0 on nunu woo.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Originally Posted by 16bars View Post
Even if you play well, someone is fed and you're an ADC or MID (someone squishy) you're going to die many times. If you're doing well and there is a fed assassin you'll have to pray they don't target you. If there is a fed assassin for example Zed, Talon, Rengar, or Leblanc you're going to get killed in a second. You have to rely on your team. It's a 5 verse 5 game.

good positioning makes it hard to assassinate. you don't have to rely on your team to peel for you, it's your job to stay with them in a reasonable spot in fights
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
good positioning makes it hard to assassinate. you don't have to rely on your team to peel for you, it's your job to stay with them in a reasonable spot in fights

LeBlanc W R Q E

Fizz R E-flash Q

Olaf/Rengar ('nuff said)

Zed W R E Q R

Shit isn't going to be in your hands 100% of the time. It's a team game, whether you're playing solo Q or with 4 other friends, and you're not always gonna be able to save yourself. Especially when you're playing a carry like Jinx, whose only form of outplay is to flash out of any major source of damage and then pray you can orbwalk well enough to kill them before they kill you.
Preposterously dank.
zed cant assasinate you if you have perfect positioning, same with fizz, just buy qss. If fizz is super fed and can kill you without ult then maybe.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
LeBlanc W R Q E

Fizz R E-flash Q

Olaf/Rengar ('nuff said)

Zed W R E Q R

Shit isn't going to be in your hands 100% of the time. It's a team game, whether you're playing solo Q or with 4 other friends, and you're not always gonna be able to save yourself. Especially when you're playing a carry like Jinx, whose only form of outplay is to flash out of any major source of damage and then pray you can orbwalk well enough to kill them before they kill you.

i'm gonna stop replying to you. "you're wrong i'm right" whatever

champions using resources to gapclose should never 100-0 you, ever.
zed: buy qss
rengar: ward his jungle camps
fizz: don't get hit by ult

so yeah, basically what i said. don't put yourself in a shit position and you won't die. not all fights are in mid lane, and even immobile adcs probably have peel for themselves (condemn/draven e) and flash.
picking a champion like jinx without seeing some of their comp already is stupid in itself

oh, and if someone is that fed or whatever you're going to respond with, you probably should tell your team to buy lockets or something. if it's a good idea, your team will get it.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
i'm gonna stop replying to you. "you're wrong i'm right" whatever

champions using resources to gapclose should never 100-0 you, ever.
zed: buy qss
rengar: ward his jungle camps
fizz: don't get hit by ult

so yeah, basically what i said. don't put yourself in a shit position and you won't die. not all fights are in mid lane, and even immobile adcs probably have peel for themselves (condemn/draven e) and flash.
picking a champion like jinx without seeing some of their comp already is stupid in itself

oh, and if someone is that fed or whatever you're going to respond with, you probably should tell your team to buy lockets or something. if it's a good idea, your team will get it.

If a zed sees you with QSS he's probably going to wait for you to use it then go on you or he'll just go on you and right click you to death. Warding Rengar's jungle is only good for early game but if you're playing as ADC you don't have that many wards. If Fizz is super fed all he'll have to do is Q-E and you're life is over. These aren't the only assassins there is also Leblanc, Talon, Shaco and worst of all is Kassadin (in my opinion). I know what you're to say next, buy pink wards. Just no.
Positioning does matter but if there assassin is good you're still dead.
Yes immobile ADCs do have so sort of peel but if you use it on one person like a tank that is focusing then an assassin would go to you, and flash has a 5 minute cooldown.

My point is that you can't win yourself. League of Legends is a team game. If you die to a fed assassin it isn't your fault. So I agree with Nomad.
Last edited by 16bars; Feb 7, 2016 at 10:51 PM.
you're looking at it all wrong.
obviously if you buy qss for zed, you aren't gonna use it for anything other than zed. using it for something else is bad play.

as the ! range for rengar is increased, and his e makes it harder for him to 1shot, it gives you plenty of time to drop a pink ward or use a sweeper.
you don't have to have things revolve around your role to play as a team game. make it your responsibility to be with your team when someone tries to assassinate you, because literally no one will ignore the fact that someone is jumping on you, whether it's because people want to help you or just kill someone.

don't know how "if their assassin is good" is an argument... obviously someone better than you will kill you
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

You'd have to use Qss if they have a lot of CC not just for Zed. You'll have to choices you either use your Qss for CC or for Zed. Sweeper doesn't let you attack the invisible unit it only lets you see where they are and how will you drop a pink ward if you're 6 slotted?
I'm not talking about you being by yourself with an assassin I'm talking about if you're in a teamfight. Sure most of your team will help you but again they'll have to make a choice saving you or them focusing their ADC or MID. It's not just assassin that focus ADCs or MIDs, it's also JUNG, SUP, or TOP. Most of the time two people focus the ADCs or MIDs the stupid cc champs e.g Alistar, Malphite, Braum ect and the stupid assassins.

But I do agree with your last point. If someone is better than you, you'll obviously die, but that's why you need peel from your team.

P.S not trying to be hostile. I hope you don't thing I'm being aggressive because I'm not.