That bronze life: it's impossible to get out of it and into silver.

Yes I know bronze is suppose to be the easiest tier.
Balance is key.
Originally Posted by kevin909 View Post
That bronze life: it's impossible to get out of it and into silver.

Yes I know bronze is suppose to be the easiest tier.

being in bronze myself ( thanks to placement ) i see alot of people who act realyl dumbly or act cocky and think they are some challenger stuff but they are not good.

i know the struggle but yeah, if you are good it is possible to carry your game, just need to a take a champ for that.
no u

Honestly, bronze is so fucking easy now. Just survive level 2 and PRACTICE LAST HITS and you should win every game. As long as there is no early game tilt you should win lane every game. If they kill you, there should be a 50 cs lead in place to make up for it. Also if you jungle practice your jungle pathing and optimizing damage. I played a game of jungle nunu and I was like 20 cs ahead of an udyr by 11 minutes because I farmed lane if the wave was pushed to tower and my laner backed, or I pathed so well that I could afford to steal a few of udyr's camps here and there. Invading in bronze is easy, ward behind you and make sure you have an escape route, if too many people are missing don't bother. Remember, taking a raptor camp creates an 8cs difference. You have 4 more than before and they have 4 less.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
If you deserve to get out of bronze, you'll get out of bronze. That's really all there is to it. Yeah your team is gonna be shit sometimes but if you have enough knowledge of your champion to know what you can and can't do and when you can and can't do it, you'll blow past.

I was in plat 3 last season, placed into silver 3; out in 2 days. ezpzlemonsqueezy
Preposterously dank.
You weren't actually silver 3. Yeah your placements might've lowered the mmr a little but for the most part you're against the same players you were before the reset and with just a 50% winrate your division naturally matches up with your mmr.

I'm not advocating elo hell mentality or anything just saying
Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
Why. Just play well and you don't have to worry about getting dove. Even with a good team comp you can't rely on solo q to peel

Even if you play well, someone is fed and you're an ADC or MID (someone squishy) you're going to die many times. If you're doing well and there is a fed assassin you'll have to pray they don't target you. If there is a fed assassin for example Zed, Talon, Rengar, or Leblanc you're going to get killed in a second. You have to rely on your team. It's a 5 verse 5 game.

Originally Posted by Kido View Post
being in bronze myself ( thanks to placement ) i see alot of people who act realyl dumbly or act cocky and think they are some challenger stuff but they are not good.

i know the struggle but yeah, if you are good it is possible to carry your game, just need to a take a champ for that.

I was bronze 3 when the season started. It took me 4-5 days to get out. I also see people doing dumb things and acting cocky but you need to take advantage. People that act cocky most of the time make mistakes so it's easy to punish them. It is possible to carry but it's hard because you get idiots.
Last edited by 16bars; Feb 7, 2016 at 04:21 PM.
I need help closing games. I just noticed how absolutely terrible I am with that no matter how fed I am. It's rather ironic that when I'm fed I rely more on my team to close out the game and vice versa.

Add me friesguy5467.

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"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Well if you're in NA, you've gotten fed and won the last 3 ranked games you played, and 2 of your 3 mains are hands down some of the best champs for destroying objectives in the game.
Preposterously dank.
That's why I said I'm terrible. We could've won those games much sooner if I knew what to do.

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"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Depends on who you get fed as.

Get fed as adc? Push the bot turret down, then start pushing down mid turret. Gives your team better dragon control.

Get fed as top? Keep pushing top and force the enemy team to focus you. Ward well, and take the enemy jungle when you've pushed in hard and the enemy jungler is not on that side. Maybe gank the jungler if you're really far ahead and know approximately that everybody else is preoccupied.

Get fed as mid? Push in the wave, then roam top or bottom, or invade with your jungler. Kill mid laner when he pushes back out.

Get fed as jungle? Gank ALL the things, then push the lane when you've ganked the things. Absorb the life force of the plebeians who were privileged to bask in your lane ganking and pushing, then drag them kicking and screaming to objectives and other lanes to partake in your full map escapades.

Get fed as support? Buy mejai's and shit as hard as you can on the enemy adc and support. Or that item that buffs other people if you aren't ap/ballsy. And just keep roaming roaming roaming roaming when you shit down the lane's throat so hard that the adc can 2v1 ez pz.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games