Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Yorick sucks, you people trying to defend him are playing against awful players if you're having any success with him.

The cold hard facts are that there are other champions that do his job better than he does, and he's outclassed in every respect by plenty of other characters.

Yorick is in desperate need of numbers changes, and Riot is giving him them.
Pope of BnW • [Torigod] • Lord of Wibbles • YouTube • Toriblog Admin • Interface Artist
(,,゚Д゚) -"Become a fan. DO IT."

Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

The cold hard facts are that there are other champions that do his job better than he does, and he's outclassed in every respect by plenty of other characters.

Excactly. Currently playing Yorick with best build is comparable to trolling with ad soraka or something like that. Sure might work at times, but why when you have so many champions specifically designed for that task.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
But im not talking about ranked. Im talking about playing him for the soul purpose of having fun.

By your logic, Then no champion other than: Rumble, Ashe, Nidalee, Twisted Fate, Corki, Annie, Warwick, Janna, Gangplank, Amumu, Orianna, Anivia, Sona, Swain, Mal’zahar, Alistar, Taric, Soraka

Should be played. As they are all Tier 1. And will win the game.

However, Vayne, Karthus, Brand, Irelia, Vladimir, Jarvan IV, Gragas, Fiddlesticks, Miss Fortune, Tristana, Nocturne, Nunu, Caitlyn, Cho’Gath, Akali, Lee Sin, Teemo, Zilean, Singed (T2). Are all great champions. But you say, they cannot be used, as others do the job better?

It's just for fun. Afterall it is a game. Maybe if this was Dreamhack, then I would see where you are coming from.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

I agree. He does so much damage, while taking none. That fling is also a pain the butt if you are fighting him.

His slow, might aswell be a stun, because maxed out, you basicly cant move.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
I agree. He does so much damage, while taking none. That fling is also a pain the butt if you are fighting him.

His slow, might aswell be a stun, because maxed out, you basicly cant move.

Also his laugh. And that noise his ult makes.
If you let the enemy Singed farm, you lose all lategame teamfights.
Pope of BnW • [Torigod] • Lord of Wibbles • YouTube • Toriblog Admin • Interface Artist
(,,゚Д゚) -"Become a fan. DO IT."

Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

It's impossible not to let him farm ^_^

Poison Trail. Run through minions, sorted.

Rinse and repeat. Surprisingly, hes very underplayed.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Nope. I'm talking about Normal games. in Ranked, hes played alot, if he isnt banned.

And, the US and the EU, use different champions, Look at the playstyles of both players, US ganks alot, EU plays defensive, so they base the champs on that mostly.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech